• mother knows best..

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• excuse any errors


December 1982

"Karen!" Mattie's voice traveled as she stood at the end of the staircase.

Karen sighed quietly & got up, "Yes ma'am?" She answered her mother, standing at the top of the staircase.

Mattie stared at her for a second & motioned for her to come here, "Come here for a second,"

Confused, Karen didn't say anything. She made her way down the staircase & followed her mother into her bedroom.

Mattie motioned for Karen to close the door & sat on the head of her bed. Karen shut the door & sat across from her at the foot.

"What's the matter with you?" Mattie asked, staring at Karen.

Karen looked down at her hands, "Nothing, Mama,"

Mattie gently grabbed Karen's chin, making her look at her, "Little girl, do not lie to me. I'm your mother, I can always tell when something isn't right ,"

Karen sighed, looking at her mother, "Well, Drew & I got into it today,"

"Well, all couples disagree sometimes-"

"I broke up with him, Mama," Karen blurted out, cutting her mother off.

"What could have been so bad that you had to leave him, K?" Mattie tilted her head, trying to read Karen's mind.

"Because .. He always has some girl in his face. Earlier, he had some girl over & she clearly liked him & he was acting blind to it,"

"Well, did the girl like him?" Mattie questioned.

"Yes. I ended up getting into it with her too cause she was all in his face. Flirting & touching him, then when I spoke up, she told me to be quiet," Karen explained.

"So, what did he do?"

"He kicked her out. Then, when I brought it up he said that I have to accept that he's gonna be around women like that with him being a figure in the church," Karen rolled her eyes, "Then, he basically said that I'm not his wife so I shouldn't be so mad,"

Mattie burst into laughter, making Karen look at her crazy, "Mama, why are you laughing?"

"I'm sorry baby, it's not funny," Mattie spoke, still laughing, "It's just that both of y'all are too stubborn for you own good,"

"I knew about the argument before you got here. Willie Mae called & told me John came over there crying like a baby without it's bottle .. Poor thang," Mattie shook her head.

"I don't know what he's crying for, he did it to himself-" Karen started but Mattie cut her off.

"Karen, listen to me. All couples go through things. Now, he does have a point about him being a figure in the church. It's gonna be all types of women he will encounter as he grows in his position, but if you want to be with him you have to accept that. You can't be upset every time a woman looks in his direction,"

"Mama, I know but-"

"But, nothing. I'm not saying he's completely right either, you had a point as well. He could handle those situations quicker & better than he does. & it was harsh of him to say you're not his wife cause the respect should be the same," Mattie spoke.

She looked at Karen, "Karen, I know it's something deeper than just that. What's really the problem?"

Karen sighed & looked at her mother before speaking, "I'm scared to be with him. I've never been with anybody like him, Mama. What if I mess
up? What if he treats me how daddy treated you?"

Mattie reached out, grabbing Karen's hand, "Baby, I understand but you can't be afraid of love. John is the man for you, I can feel it. You're human & you'll both mess up sometimes, but if you keep God first you'll get through anything,"

Mattie sighed before speaking again, "I know how you & your sisters felt witnessing all your father did to me. I know I've said a lot of bad things about men too, but don't let that stop you from letting a good man be good to you.. You hear me?"

"Yes ma'am... But mama, what if he doesn't marry me?"

"What did he tell you regarding marriage?" Mattie asked.

"He told me to give him a little time until he finishes school & is stable," Karen replied.

"Well, that's what he said so that's what he's going to do. I have no doubt that John is gonna marry you. I can look at the boy & tell how much he loves you,"

"I know, but people say-"

"It doesn't matter what people say, Karen. It's your relationship, not theirs. People are just jealous that God hasn't sent them somebody yet. John told you what he's gonna do, so trust him enough to stick to his word," Mattie rubbing her hand to reassure her.

"Yes ma'am," Karen responded, with a smile. The conversation helped her see things differently.

"Now, you get in there & go fix things with that boy.. Got him crying & stuff," Mattie chuckled, patting Karen's shoulder. She pulled her in for a hug.

"I love you, K" Mattie spoke, rubbing Karen's back.

"I love you too, Mama,"

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