• after care..

653 36 16

excuse any errors


"You alright?" Drew asked, as he wrapped a towel around Karen's damp, naked body. They had just gotten out of the tub together.

She softly nodded her head in response, watching him readjust the towel he had wrapped around his own waist. Drew gently grabbed her hand & brought her back out into his bedroom. He sat her down in the plush chair from his mother, in the corner.

Gently, he started to dry her off.

"Drew, you know I can do it myself, right?" Karen giggled at him.

He chuckled as he continued, "Baby, it's aftercare, it's what I'm supposed to do. So, hush & let me,"

Karen complied with a smile, letting him do his thing. She watched as he went into the drawer she had for when she stayed over & grabbed things out of it , "How do you know so much about what to do if it's your first time too?" She asked.

"My dad always talked to us about sex and how to be a gentleman when we did decide to do it," He answered, referring to himself & Ethan. He spread lotion onto his hand as he began to rub it on her legs & feet.

"I just always told myself that when I did get to have you in this way that I would always be gentle with you. Make sure you're always comfortable & satisfied," He spoke again as he continued to cater to her.

Karen looked down at him, thinking back onto her conversation with her mother. Maybe she was right, maybe Drew is the man for her. She was still a bit anxious about love. She didn't know much about love, being that Drew was the first man she loved. However, she did know for sure that the good always outweighed the bad. Hell, it was hardly ever any bad between them.

"Baby," Drew called as he lightly tapped her leg, snapping her out of her thoughts. She didn't even realize that he had put deodorant & everything on her.

"Yes?" She replied, focusing her eyes back on him.

He chuckled, "I asked if you were bleeding or feel like you will?"

"Oh, I was a little earlier," Karen answered, as she reached for her shirt to put on. Drew lightly popped her hand in response, "Boy-"

"Let me do it," He said, making her giggle again. He took the shirt & put it over her head & let her put her arms through the holes.

He took her legs & started to slide a pair of panties up, "What do I put on for the bleeding? A pad?" He questioned, looking up at her.

She nodded her head yes, "I'll do it, baby. It's okay-"

Drew cut her off, "Nooo, I want to," He went & grabbed one out of her drawer. She shook her head & laughed at his eagerness.

He kneeled back down in front of her, "Show me what to do,"

"Open it," She instructed as she watched him take the wrapper off, "Now, take that part & stick it here," She pointed, showing him where to place it.

"Take the paper off the wings & flip them under," She spoke & he did it correctly, "There, you did it,"

Drew nodded as he finished clothing her, "Now, can I get up?" Karen questioned, jokingly.

"Yes, you can" He replied, laughing as he pecked her lips & went on to finish doing his own hygiene.

Karen rose out of the chair as she made her way over to her drawer, putting her stuff back up. She climbed onto her side of the bed & turned on the tv as she waited for him.

However, she waiting didn't last long as she dozed off before he even came out causing Drew to laugh & shake his head at her. He adjusted the pillows & cover for her before getting in on his side.

A few hours passed, with Drew just watching tv & occasionally checking to make sure Karen was still sleeping peacefully. He slowly slid his way out of the bed to find something to cook for them.

Before he could even make it to the kitchen good, he heard banging on the front door.

"Who the hell-" He started as he swung the door open, a bit aggressively.

"John Sheard, where the HELL is my baby sister?" The raspy voice of Dorinda, shrilly yelled as she barged in his apartment. Jacky followed behind her, giving him a slight mug as she came through.

"Well, hello to y'all too," Drew spoke sarcastically, closing the door behind them.

"Momma told us that Karen was coming over here to talk & that was well over 6 hours ago," Dorinda rolled her eyes," & I know she was still 38 hot with your ass, so I know she should've been back to the house by now,"

"Yeah, John, where is she? Cause you know we'll jump you if you did something to her," Jacky spoke, crossing her arms.

Drew laughed at them," Your sister is fine. Y'all know damn well I wouldn't do anything to her,"

"I don't know, you've been doing a lot of shit that you wouldn't do from what I was told," Dorinda replied smartly, as she looked around, "We're not leaving until we get her,"

Jacky nodded in agreement, going to sit down on the couch.

"I wouldn't sit there if I were you," Drew laughed loudly, as he walked down the hall to his room. He walked over to Karen's side to see her still asleep.

"Baby, wake up," He spoke softly, kissing her face, "Get uppp,"

"Drew, I literally just went to sleep. So, if I'm waking up for nonsense, I'm gonna be pissed," Karen spoke with her eyes still closed.

"Your sisters are here," He replied, making Karen's eyes pop open.

"For what?" She questioned, furrowing her eyebrows.

"They said you should've been home. I guess they think you've been over here way longer than you usually would when you're mad," He spoke, laughing again.

Karen chuckled, shaking her head. She slowly climbed out of the bed & limped her way down the hallway with Drew behind her.

"Hey y'all," She spoke, catching their attention.

Dorinda quickly hopped up, looking at Karen, "Girl, let me look at you," She began to feel Karen's face, "You're acting real strange to be mad at Drew. I'm surprised you even brought your little stubborn tail over here,"

Karen began laughing, "Girl, I'm not that stubborn. We're good now, right, Bae?" She smiled, looking up at her man.

"Mhmm," Drew replied, poking his lips out for a kiss.

"EW," Dorinda exclaimed, covering her eyes,"Get a room,"

"Seems like they already did," Jacky spoke, chuckling at Dorinda causing the room to fall silent.

Karen looked at Drew.

Drew looked at Karen.

Dorinda looked at the both of them as her face scrunched up,



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