Chapter 1 - Nice to meet you, i'm Harry Styles

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Chapter 1 - Nice to meet you, I'm Harry Styles

sundays. probably the days which most makes me happy. the day i get to go to my grandma's house and see Liam, my only cousin. he's one year older than me, but we get along very well, he's like my brother.


i ring the doorbell waking myself from my thoughts.

"grandma!! i missed you! hi!" i greeted her and hugged her

"hi sweetie! me too! oh, look at me" she turned mt head so i was facing her and looked deep into my eyes

"Liam is bringing a friend here today" she stopped talking and started fixing my hair

"he's your age darling. you should try something! you're very lonely these days, you need a boyfriend"

great. Liam was bringing a friend. meaning i won't be able to talk to him about my problems, and my grandma's pushing me towards him?! because i'm 'very lonely these days' well... actually i am, but i don't want a boyfriend, i'm fine like this.

"Grandma... no... stop it please. I don't need a boyfriend, I've got friends and you and Liam to be with, just because my parents are travelling, doesn't mean I'm lonely..."

"Oh darling..." She paused so she could close the door then continued talking

"Listen to me, every woman needs a man to make her happy, maybe he's the one and you're not even trying, just promise you'll be polite and will talk to him" she looked deep into my eyes as she waited for an answer.

of course i want a boyfriend, as long as he doesn't hurt me. but we all know it's gonna happen so why bother trying?

i opened my mouth to speak but got interrupted by the doorbell

"oh! it's Liam and his friend! remember , be nice and talk to him!"

i just looked at her and nodded so she could get the answer she wanted

"good" she smiled and walked towards the door to open it for Liam. oh god... what was i into? i want to run from here but something holds me back, something strong...


"hi Liam! come on in!" grandma greeted Liam. i just stared at him with an evil look, he looked back at me smiling but then his facial expression changed when he observed the look i had on my face. he quickly looked back at grandma

"hey grandma, this is my friend Harry"

wow. he was gorgeous. but it won't happen. ever.

"Julie!!!" Liam yelled in hapiness as he saw me standing there. he opened his arms and hugged me.

"hi..." i said

"this is my friend Harry!" Liam introduced Harry as he came and stretched his hand out. whan i looked at him, i observed his perfectly shaped curls and got lost in that deep green eyes.

"helloo...?" Harry looked at me confused and waiting for me to say something. i woke up from my thoughts and shook my head.

"oh hi. i'm sorry..." i said as i stretched out my hand to greet him.

"i'm Julie, Liam's cousin"

"nice to meet you, i'm Harry Styles" we smiled at each other and got lost into each others eyes

"uhm... guys? lets go inside? Julie?"

i woke up from starring into that deep beautiful green eyes and looked at Liam.

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