Chapter 31- The good surprise

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at one point of the story listen to One Thing! i'll tell you when!



"guys, lets have a celebration dinner, at that japonese restaurant near Liam's house, 7 o'clock!!" i sent the message to Liam, Dani, Niall, Louis, El, Zayn and Perrie

they soon responded agreeing. i told them for it to be at 7 because i had a surprise planned for Ju before.

"hi, so , did you talk to them of the dinner?" Ju asked as she came and sat down beside me

"yes, it's at 7" i said

"okay" she responded

"only at 7" i said and smirked

"and??" she asked

"i'll demonstrate" i said and leaned in and i kissed her.

after a while we pulled out and stared into each others eyes

"i have a surprise for you" i said

"really? i'm curious now!!" she said excitedly

"wait 5 mintes, and then go outside" i said and stood up

"okay.." she said confused



what could be Harry's surprise? i was very curious.

3 more minutes to go...




i stood up and walked to the door. Harry wasn't there.. there was only some flowers and a note

"don't be scared, it's only me, the best boyfriend of yours, i'll try to be"

okay, it was Harry's. but what was i supposed to do now?

suddenly music started playing and lots of people dressed in bikinis and shorts appeared and started dancing.

what the hell?!...

"hello lady, come and dance with us baby" a guy said and pushed me into the crowd. i started laghing and dancing with them . was this a flash mob? i don't know... but it was very fun!!

then suddenly a man in a very big jumper came beside me and took my hand

"come with me, there's more to see" he said and lead me into another crowd of people dancing. but these other people were all in jumpers and pants. as if they were really cold.

i started dancing with them. i was having lots of fun. this all was very strange but it was very fun.

then a man badly dressed came up to me. it seemed like he was very poor.

"i'm poor in money, but i'm very funny" he said with a funny voice and took me into another crowd full of people who were badly dressed like him but were happy. they pushed me into dancing and so i did.

i kept looking around to see if another guy dressed differently came by.

and so he did. a man who seemed really wealthy came up to me and took my hand.

"the surprise is close to it's end, so to the next part , you, i shall send" he said and took me into another crowd with people who looked very wealthy.

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