Chapter 35- This is for your own good

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"did he or did he not mistreat you?"

these words kept playing through my mind. yes, he mistreated me. but i was scared of admiting it. i'm afraid of what my parents can do to me if i saw the truth.

maybe they will be arrested , but what if they don't? and what if after they get out of prison they come after me?

"do i have to go back and live with him?" i asked shyly to the policeman

"if he mistreats you , of course not"  he said

"what did he do to you Julie?" he asked me

"he and my mother made me work at home. and sometimes they locked me up in my room for 1 day. he hits me.." i said

i guess it was better to tell him it all

"wow. Julie, when these things happen you have to come to the police station to tell it to us. we'll have both your parents arrested" he said with a very serious look

"where am i supposed to live then?" i asked nervously

"well. while your parents will be arrested, and we'll see with who you'll live with. but while your parents go through all this, i'm sorry but you'll have to live at an orphanage" he said

wait.. WHAT? 

"WHAT? but i have my grandma and my cousin!!! i can live with them!" i shouted nervously at him

"yes i know. but while this you'll have to stay at a orphanage. after it's finished you can live with one of them" he said 

"how long will it take?!" i asked

"uhm.. i think maybe about one week and a half. not very much" he said and smiled. 

i frowned. yes, it was better than living with my parents. 

and that lead me to the thought of letting Harry go. all of this will make him worried and will hold him back. i can't do this to him. i'm a girl full of problems and the last thing he needs right now is problems. 

"Julie? Julie?" i heard the policeman calling me

"uh?" i asked as i looked up to him

"you can go to your grandma's or your cousin's house for tonight, but tomorrow we'll pick you up to take you to the orphanage okay? this is for your own good" he said

"okay" i said quietly as i stood up. 

i walked down that dark and quiet corridor to get to where Liam was. 

"Liam?" i asked as i saw him sitting down seperately from the others

he instantly stood up and walked towards me. 

"i'm staying at your house for tonight. and tomorrow i'll have to go to an orphanage while my parents are going through all that stuff. i chose to be with you for tonight cause i have to tell you something really important " i said looking in his eyes

"okay, what?? an orphanage?? and okay" he answered

"yeah.. an orphanage.. but it's not for a long time. i hope. the policeman said it was about 1 week and a half. " i said 

"oh okay then. but don't worry, i'll go there everyday to see how you're doing" he said and hugged me

"thank you Liam. let's go" i said. we walked into the room where Harry was. what was i supposed to tell him? 

"Ju! are you okay? what will happen? " he asked worried

"i don't want you to be worried" i said and looked to the ground

"what? how can i not be worried about you?" he asked confused

"Harry, i love you so much. you made me feel good again. but now that all my problems are coming back for me, i don't want them to affect you, now that you are becoming famous.." i said

"what? no! Ju, what are you trying to tell me?" he asked nervously and i think i saw tears in his eyes. but i couldn't even look at them right now. 

"i'm breaking up with you Harry. i don't want you to let big oportunities go because of me and my problems. this is for your own good!! " i said and burst into tears. 

i couldn't be there anymore. so i ran towards Liam's car and locked myself in there. 



it's like my whole world fell apart from the moment she said that words. 

breaking up with me for my own good? how can she not see that for my good i need to be with her?! 

i couldn't hold back the tears anymore. 

"Harry.. i.. uhm... don't cry" Liam said and patted my back

"Liam. for my own good i need her!! i can't live without her" i said and cried a lot.

"so don't give up on her" he said. i stopped sobbing and looked at him

"just give her some days to think. she loves you . then go after her, tell her all the things you want to say and win her back dude" he said and nodded

yeah. he was right. i will give her her time and then i'll go back for her. i'll make her mine again.



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