Chapter 14 - He hit me. he hit me hard

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(the night she was kidnapped by John)

"where are you taking me?? stop! you're hurting me" i asked and complained to John. he grabbed my hand and took me to his car. while Harry was there at the bungalow layed down on the floor with his arm shot. 

"do you think i'm telling you? i'm taking you somewhere far from here. thats all i can say" he said as he shoved me into the back seat of the car.

i looked to my side where the door was, there was a lock, and i could unlock it and get out! god John was so stupid. i waited for him to go in the car, put his seatbelt on and turn the car on so i could run away. he was turning it on and i went for it. i unlocked the door and opened it. my heart was racing. i quickly got out of the car and ran. ran as fast as i could. but unfortunately i am a horrible runner.

"you bitch! i'm going to get you! and now that you tried running away you'll suffer even more!" he yelled from behind me. i looked back and saw he was almost reaching me. i wasn't taking it anymore. my speed started decreasing and i became more and more desperate. then i felt something holding on to my arm and pulled me to the floor.

"gotcha. now you'll shall suffer. a lot" he said. i can't believe this is happening to me...

i was shoved into the car again but this time i was at the front seat. and he held me with handcuffs so i couldn't move my hands around to try and get out. he then got a tape from his bag and put it on my mouth. so i couldn't speak. i protested, but with the tape on my mouth no one could hear me. he then laughed at me and started the car.

tears started falling on my cheek, and there was no way i could hide it. i just looked away so John wouldn't see i was crying. just then , i saw Liam's car with everyone inside coming our way.

"quick, get down!" John said to me. i did what i was told to, i lowered myself on my seat so they wouldn't see me. John put on some glasses and a beanie and acted normal. ughh , these times Liam could pay more attention at other cars when he's driving.


John suddenly stopped the car. 

"here we are ." he said and got out of the car. he then came by my side and opened the door for me

"i was thinking of leaving you there! ha ha ha, no one will listen to you and you'll never get out" he said referring to the tape on my mouth and my hands held in handcuffs.

"but i wont" he said and took off the tape from my mouth

"OOOOOWWWWWWWWWW THAT HURT!" i yelled in pain. he took the tape very quickly and it hurts a lot. he then did the unexpected. he hit me. he hit me hard. on the face

"shut the fuck up." he said and pushed me inside a house. 

another tear fell from my eye and made its journey through my cheek until the end of my chin where it fell to the floor. he said i would suffer. i think i already suffered too much.

he opened the door of a beautiful room. it was gorgeous with a massive bed and a huge T.V and a huge bathroom. all white with a beautiful chendelier and a beautiful carpet.

"like it? its not yours. its mine" he said and closed the door. he then lead me into another room.

it was a horrible room. it was falling to pieces and it stinked. there was no bed and there was a little T.V that was probably not working.

"thank you John. its beautiful." i saidi sarcastically. he hit me. he hit me again. on my face.

"dont be sarcastic with me" he said and walked out of the room. i heard him locking the door from the outside. then i heard him talking to someone.

"dont you dare open the door for her. you can go in but dont let her out. or you'll suffer too." he said angrily and walked away. i heard a shy and small "okay" coming from the person. 

i then heard the door being unlocked and it opened. a little girl probably 10 years old came in. she was wearing a dress that was all ruined. she had dark circles under her eyes and looked exhausted.

"uhm.. hi, i'm Maya, and you must be Julie." she said in a kind way. i smiled at her and she smiled at me back.

"yes, it's me. " i responded

"how do you know John?" i asked thinking about who could she be

"i'm his sister. younger sister" she said

"ooh. got it" i responded

"he was always evil. him and my other sister Lauren, i'm sorry about what they are doing to you. you know them from school right?" she said. i looked at her shocked. did she mean Lauren my friend? Lauren Niall's girlfriend? LAUREN?

"wait. you said Lauren?"



keep reading !! theres a lot to come!!!


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