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You know that boy you punched today?

He just committed suicide a few minutes ago.

You know that girl you called a slut?

She's a virgin.

You know that man you laughed at because of his scars?

He fought for your country.

You know that girl you pushed?

She gets abused at home.

You know that boy you insulted for crying?

His mother has cancer.

You know that girl you called fat?

She's been starving herself for God knows how long.

If you're against bullying put this on your bio. I know that 99% of you won't do it but the 1% of you who really care will.


This was posted on Orangebaby12345's bio by Orangebaby. pay it forward. Post this on your profile! Help stop bullying for Pink Shirt Day!
Everyday is Pink Shirt Day with or wihtout the pink shirts!
I love you all!

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