Untitled Part 70

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As quoted from above website

"Talking Angela started out as a mobile phone application used by a lot of children. Angela is a white cat with blue eyes who has a conversation with you and can answer any questions you ask.

Recently, an e-mail began to circulate warning people not to use Talking Angela. It is said the app had been taken over by a creepy guy who uses it to spy on children and possibly kidnap them. He has managed to hack into the app and uses it to gain access to personal information on peoples phones.

I said that is you're over 18, nothing happens, but if your younger, the cat starts asking weird things, like where do you live, what are your parents' names, what is your phone number... etc.

They say the creepy man is able to take photos and record video of you through the phone's camera and if you zoom in and look carefully at the cat's eyes, you can actually see him. Sometimes there is just an empty room, but sometimes you can see a creepy guy watching you. Even if you close down the app, it keeps running in the background so he can watch you and take pictures.

In one of the more sinister cases, a young girl was talking to Angela and got the scare of her life. Angela asked her age and the girl decided to lie and say she was 30 years old. She was horrified when the cat responded, "That's a lie. You're about 11 or 12." The girl was shocked and stunned. Then, as if it could see the expression on the girl's face, it said, " I know you're about to delete me. Take care... Sweetheart!"

In another case, a child was taking to the cat and happened to place his finger over one of Angela's eyes. The cat said "Take your goddamn hand off my eye, I can't see!" The boy closed down the app, but later he heard a clicking sound coming from the phone as if it was taking photos of him.

Some Spanish-language websites claim that a young boy name Eli Morenos, who lived in a suburb of Dallas, Texas, disappeared shortly after his mother downloaded the Talking Angela App.

One woman claimed that her daughter stayed home from school and was on her iPod playing with Talking Angela. The mother overheard the conversation and said the cat knew her daughter's name and asked strange questions like, "Hi, where is your brother?"

The girl said, "He's right here next to me," and the cat said, "Oh cool!"

Then the cat asked, "So what do you do for fun?" The girl replied, "I dont know", and Talking Angela's voice suddenly changed to some sort of weird robotic voice.

It asked the little girl, When you date, what do you do on your dates?" The child was embarrassed. She got red in the face and said nothing.

Then the cat said, "Stick out your tongue. I'll stick mine out too. What are some things you can do with your tongue? Let's interact with our tongues."

At that point, the mother said she had heard enough and yelled at her daughter to shut off the app. She was so freaked out that she called the police department and they said they would have their internet investigations unit look into it. They called her back an hour later and said, "Something is behind that cat!!!"

When a police officer came to interview the little girl, she told him that she had been using the app with her cousin ad Angela asked both girls their names and her brothers name was what school they went to. It also took a picture of them. When the girl used the app again a few days later, it remembered she had a brother.

Apparently the cat is also asking girls for their phone numbers and if they've had their first kiss yet!!!"

The website didn't let me copy and paste. I had to type all that shit out. Appreciate it.

So. This was an interesting hoax that caught my eye the other day. I find it really believable since I've been asked a few questions myself that are kinda scary.

For example:

I was just talking, normally, and she was like "Have you ever been on a date?" and I know that she was supposed to be a 18 year old sassy cat, so that was expected. I was like no, and then she was like "Have you ever wanted to go on a date?" I was like yeah, with my crush. Then it got scary. she was like "have you and your friend ever liked the same person?" cause my friend and I used to like the same person. So I was like "yeah, my friend and I do" and then she went "I fought with my friend when that happened. did you ever fight?" I honestly answered "No. We are really young so it doesn't really matter" and then she got mad and went "You're lying. you fought. why are you lying? You fought." and the weirdest part was, there was a short pause in which someone could've typed all of those things.

Another time, I was playing, and she was asking me stuff, and I asked her her fave color and she kept changed the topic, and I decided to tell her to fuck off. she was like "What, you want to talk about sex? Let's talk about sex *grin*" I freaked out and closed the app.

The app is meant to only store information for the session. You get a fresh plate when you log on again. I was playing and Angela asked me my name. I said it was "****" my mom called me moments later "*.*.*.!". I logged off ad stopped playing for months. I was talking casually, and she was like "That sounds like fun, *.*.*." I freaked out and logged off as you can see, it is really easy for me to believe this myth. *shiver*

(Sorry for the *'s, I messaged this shit to stizzzy and I didn't want to retype it. So I just pasted it.)

Also, I found an online video of someone telling about her weird encounters with Angela. The girl (TG) asked; "Who are you?" Angela relied with "Kidnapper" on multiple occasions until TG asked if Angela was a pervert. There was a topic change. Then, TG asked, "Who are you?" Angela replied: "Pervert."

On another occasion, Angela told TG that she had a special knife, just for her (TG's) insides.

These were all screenshots of conversation with Angela s none of it was live. Now I'm grounded from electronics for 2 more days (bad marks, FUCK U!), but I checked out the app on my mom's iPad. There was nothing in Angela's eyes, but I'm assuming that the hacker online goes into certain devices, like iPods and phones, and that is the only time you can see the room/man in the eyes. Anyways, I'm going to test the app soon, and possibly create a book for my ANgela encounters :)

Search Angela's Eyes for many results on the man in Angela's eyes :)

Have a good day and amzaing life!


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