That Moment When 4

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That moment when you're watching a movie with your fam and the guy takes off his shirt and you're expected to look way but the guy is Chris Pratt and you're dad is sitting right there, almost daring you to gawk and stare....

So you tear yourself away and pretend to be mildly disturbed by a shirtless guy. Who is Chris Pratt.


Anywho, I watched jurrassic World which was pretty fab.

Also I've seen Spy, with Melissa McCarthy and it was funny

Also Pitch Perfect 2, which was pretty cool.

and TED 2. YOU'RE JEALOUS. IT WAS HILARIOUS. Especially since it's the second movie to a comedy, you kinda expect it to suck,  but this was awesome. WATCH IT.



It's cloudy today so I was able to wear sweatpants without feeling uncomfortable :3


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