75: let me explain

18 2 7

When I posted that sad face (:() It wasn't because I felt like it or anything.

Let me explain why:

The details, should you not already know them, are that it was my grad night. Since grade 7 is the last in our 'Junior School', they host a grad dance and celebration night. two hours of grad dinner and shit, two hours of dancing. 

Next, you need to know I dressed in a floor-length deep gray dress. It was too mature for me, but it wasn't like I had a choice. My parents saw it, and asked me if I liked it. By that point, I didn't even want to go to grad. So I said yes. I personally wanted a short dress, but denied it when my parents asked. My dad asked me why, I said it was too down grading. The real reason is that my mom refuses to let me shave my arms and legs, and even when I'm allowed to, I have to wax, because according to her, she's allergic to razors, and therefore, I am as well. (Her other supporting evidence was my multiple health problems (eczema, nut allergies, pet allergies, sesame allergies, spring allergies and (mild) asthma)).

I was dressed too formal and I felt like shit. I knew that if i asked for a short dress, my parents would try to talk me out of it, and I, being the kind of person I am, would have gone with them. It didn't help that I was completely sick of my friends and the fact that school was piling up more homework in the last two weeks than in one regular month.

So, I, trying not to cry, sat in a corner, waiting for it all to end. I looked like I was upset for one second, and stizzzy , being the friend she is, followed me to the bathroom. Then SweetiePeaz and lumos_nox_18 also followed me. I Loved knowing that my friends cared and were concerned for me. And don't forget orangebaby12345 who sat next to me the entire time I was sulking. She also attempted to dare me to dance with someone, and in exchange I could dare her to dance with someone.

But that was only part of it.

It's also the fact that no one wants to dance with me. I mean, it doesn't always bother me, but this, being the last dance in the junior school, was one where I hoped someone  would dance with me. Not because orangebaby12345 asked them to, but because they wanted to dance with me (although thanks for the try, Orangebaby). So that's why. I also want to thank stizzzy and orangebaby again for texting me to make sure i was all right. I owed you an explanation,, so here it is. Thanks for worrying, guys <3

Anyways, I have developed a love for an anime titled "Gosick" I've watch 1/25 episodes.

And yes, I am aware that I gave you a little TMI.

Okay, Bye!

And also, thanks for caring so much everyone!

I also owe you an explanation about the jinx thing...

okay: I was on my game, and asked if it was normal to be 13 and not have a period. I forgot to Un-Jinx myself. The next day, I got my period. HAPPY??????


Do tell if you create a multiplayer server for us to hang on!

Okay, bye for real!



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