Random facts 1

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I can playa multitude of instruments, including:
1. Violin
2. Piano
3. Guitar
4. BASS Guitar
5. Recorder
6. (Pink) Clarinet
7. Ukulele
8. Xylophone
I'm no expert at any of them except for ukulele, xylophone and recorder

The reason it says "(pink) Clarinet" is because I purchased a pink clarinet for band and I refuse to live it down, not that people have forgotten. The other day in band class, the teacher literally said (he was talking about the clarinets blending their sound together) "Blend the tones, make it so u r playing together as one big clarinet, maybe a giant pink clarinet"
Stizzzy was there, and can definitely back me up. So can orangebaby12345 EmzyCY jenti-yoda-panda mfainster SweetiePeaz lumos_nox_18 penguin10123

(Also, maybe follow all the above mentioned peeps? They're my friends irl!!! Thanks!)
Okay. Bye

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