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That was the last word Yorktown heard from Enterprise after she passed her eagle to her as she was about to drown into the ocean's dark abyss as she go deeper her only thoughts are to only see them one last time....

And then a light shine on her 

as she reached the light she rose from the ocean completely shocked

Yorktown: W-what h-how

as she saw her riggings were fixed and in perfect condition she realized something 

How long I've been dead

as she saw the sky clear blue she headed to an island with people and knowing that it's part of America she headed there and then docked her ship nearby, as she asked what date is it....

It was May 25 2025 she was dead for 83 years!!! 

and then she learned that her sister's and the others are fine and still kicking but now they are fighting Sirens that came out of nowhere and then she discovered that an alliance was created to defeat the sirens called Azur lane composed of four major nations

Eagle Union- America

Royal Navy- Britain

Sakura Empire- Japan

Ironblood- Germany

and then few more join this alliance

as she heard this she left the island she head back to her home thinking what to do next

First chapter on Friday 

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