Chapter 13-Jack's Powers and the reunion

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Jack's Pov

As Jack opened his eyes he is in an empty void and then he looked at his surroundings only to see an glowing figure looking at him

Jack: Who are you

"The cube that the siren used"

Jack: Why I'm I here

"Because you lost conscience after saving Yorktown"

Jack: Where is she?

"She's at the hospital waiting for you to wake up"

Jack: Why I'm I here?

"To tell you that you the chosen one to get my powers"

Jack: Why?

"Ever since I was created I was looking for someone that will help people not destruction"

Jack: So what are my powers since you gave it to me?

"An ability to walk on water, can shoot lasers in your hand(you know Iron mans armor right just like that), you can create shields, can be invisible and you have immortality"

Jack: WHAT!!!

"Don't worry Yorktown is immortal since she is an shipgirl"

Jack: Okay thats fair anything else?

"Nope thats all and now wake up"

And then the figure glows brighter
After that I woke up in an hospital and saw Yorktown sleeping at my chest and then I woke her up and then she hugged me and hugged her back and then I asked her what happened and the she tells her that the crime rate of the country is zero percent so now she could go to see her sisters again and then I telled her that I have powers die to the cube choose me and proceeds to tell her what are my powers are and then she said that I should join azur lane to help fighting siren but I asked her who will watch the eagles and then she responded that both of us will do it in another way and then I agreed

3 days later

After I got out of the hospital I saw Yorktown waiting with the commander for me(here Yorktown already resigned her job and started packing her things including Jack) and then I got in the van and head to azur lane hq

After a few hours we reached our destination and then I saw 3 figures
It was Enterprise, Hornet and Vestal
Yortown said and then she opened the van hugging her sisters in the process and started crying and saying how she miss her sisters so much and then we go inside the azur lane hq

Chapter 14 will be release tommorow

Azur lane: Yorktown's Syndicate-The EaglesWhere stories live. Discover now