Chapter 14- A suprise for Yorktown

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(Short chapter i guess)

As Yorktown enters the Azur lane Hq every member of the eagle union where shocked and glad that Yorktown is alive and then Yorktown show how to make her rigging disappear and reappear again which suprised everyone in the base

After some time, some of the shipgirl were able to do what Yorktown did causing suprise attacks on the sirens and with the help of Jack's stategies and  newfound powers the siren activities in the seas are becoming smaller and smaller giving the shipgirls space

And now we see Yorktown with her sisters in the cafeteria eating together

Enterprise: Hey sis

Yorktown: What is it Enterprise?

Enterprise: Go to the beach house at 6pm

Hornet: We got a suprise for you

Yorktown: O-kay

And then proceeded to eat


As Yorktown head to the beach house she saw her sisters, Vestal, and North Carolina in the room very excited and then I saw in the center Jack holding flowers and a small box....

Wait a small box could it be

Jack: Yorktown eversince I met you, you made me the happiest man in the world *kneels one leg down and opens the box revealing a ring* Yorktown will you marry me

Yorktown: Y-YES!!!!

And then everyone clapped there hands as Jack puts the ring to Yorktown
And then they shared a passionatly kiss and then they live happ-

Closes the book

"The story isn't done there is one last chapter"

As the man put the book at the table and opens a drawer

"Lets see whats happening in this world"

As he reveals a green cube and then it shines brightly putting us in a different universe

1950(after the siren war)

Ms. ########## you are herebye to be scrapped due to you are outdated to the jet age, we are sorry but we are thankful for helping the country to end the war against the sirens and the sakura empire(If you didn't know this character I laugh so hard due to she is famous + this will be the new story ill be doing)

And then we are put back into the mysterious man holding the green cube 

"Looks like about time to change her fate" as the man weared his hat and coat and opens a portal

And the he left

To be continued

(Hey guys I need you help remember the Hornet plot story i put in Wales new life chapter VII ineed you guys to give me a good title opinion, I can't think of a good title for that story) and also that mysterious man is going to be in the new story im planning so watch out hehehe you could guess the charater there okay just comment if you know who is she.

Azur lane: Yorktown's Syndicate-The EaglesWhere stories live. Discover now