Chapter 12-Final Mission

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2 months later

As the Eagles and the Government remove the corruption in there country the crime rate is only 3% left

And now we see Yorktown and Jack accompanied by 2 men

Yorktown: Is this the place?

Man1: Yes Ms.White according to some witnesses there were sirens hiding in this area experimenting something.

Jack: Did you get caught?

Man2: No Mr. Ripper thanks to your teachings we didn't get caught

Jack: Good then you may call the police after we get in.

Man1 and 2: Yes sir

And then they left

Jack: After you milady

Yorktown: Thank you Mr. Ripper

And then they go inside and saw the sirens experimenting a cube and then the siren leader came and see if the cube is ready to use but before the sirens could said anything an sound of an alarm was heard meaning enemies have found there base and the smoke bombs were thorwn into the floor making the sirens lost sight to each other and then Yorktown and Jack proceeds to kill the sirens in the room except there leader

Yorktown: What are you experimenting here?

Siren leader: This *shows the cube and produces a beam to hit Yorktown*

Jack: Yorktown dodge!!!

As Yorktown saw the beam coming Jack pushed  her and Jack got hit making him unconscious and then the siren leader stands up and throw the cube right beside Jack and then the siren pointed its summoned rigging to Yorktown

Siren leader: With both of you gone our plan to destroy this country will be on our favor

Just as the siren was about to shoot Yorktown the cube shine beside Jack making him dissapear and then the siren looks around to find Jack

Siren leader: Shit I forgot the cube has powers and will give to the one who is worthy for it and could stand in the water like the shipgirls

(Question: are shipgirls immortal because Jack will gain Immortallity comment here)

And the Jack appeared behind the Siren a shoota him in the back killing him and then Jack was about to fall until Yorktown Catches him and takes him out of the siren base

As they got outside the police came with an ambulance and then they proceed to go to the hospital

It is done finally the corruption in the Country is no more and now Yorktown can Go home

Announcement: Guys the next chapter of My Wales new life will be delayed for 2-3 weeks due to serveral problems here in ou place but I will continue this story until chapter 15 so when the problem is finish I could make a new chapter for wales new life and a new story so stay patient for awile and stay safe Mabuhay!!

Azur lane: Yorktown's Syndicate-The EaglesWhere stories live. Discover now