Let's Talk - Chapter 5

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After spending the day at home, I was ready to go to school again. Not for the learning of course, but for Sierra. I hadn’t seen her since the night at the club, and I couldn’t wait to tell her all about Oliver’s party. Oliver didn’t return until much later that day, around five in the afternoon. I know there is something up with him. He’s hiding something, and I am going to find out.

Throughout the day I watched as Ollie came back home, only to leave a couple minutes later, stating that he had to do “something at work”. Yeah, right.

Around ten at night, my phone starts buzzing like crazy, lighting up with texts from Sierra. She tells me all about how her mom had kept her at home the whole weekend, and how she wasn’t allowed to go anywhere now. Just as I start to tell her about the drugs at the club, and how Oliver is hiding something, Oliver walks in.

“Maybe it’s a new idea to you, but nowadays people knock before entering a room.” I say, emphasizing the word “knock”. He glances at me before pulling a stool up to the bed, where I’m sitting. “So, Marley…” He starts, a serious look on his face. “Let’s talk about the party… which you were not supposed to be at in the first place.”

“You know what Ollie? I’ll pass.”

“No, Marley. Let’s talk. You and I both know what was in your hand, but only one of us knows where it is now.”

“Really? And I should care? You have no idea the sources I have.” I say, my tone slightly threatening.

“Look,” he says, the frustration showing on his face, “I just don’t want you to do anything you will regret.” He starts to get up and turns to walk out.

“Like you did, with Sara?” I say just as he’s leaving, “Or do you still not regret that.”I say, more a statement than a question.

He freezes at the door, but doesn’t turn around. After a few seconds, he stands up straighter and walks straight out, the door slamming behind him.

A PREVIEW OF THE NEXT CHAPTER - As I walk up to the front doors of my school, I can feel everyone's eyes on me. Everyone is wondering what I'm doing at school, I either ditch school or just don't bother coming in the first place. Seeing Marley Queen walk through the front doors with a backpack is a rare sight.

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