He's Home - Chapter 1

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AN - Alright, this is my first fanfic, so go easy on me. I try to have a preview of the next chapter at the end of each chapter, but I make no promises about that. Anyway, feel free to comment, like, or do whatever! And ... here we go!

"Hi Marley!"

"Hey Sierra!"

"Marley, I know you have this whole 'My mom can't control me thing going on', but are you sure you want to do this? I mean, we could get in serious trouble for this."

"Oh come on Sierra, what is she going to do, call the police? Relax, nothing is going to happen. And it's about time we venture out into the city a little bit. If it makes you feel any better, Mercedes and Jo are coming too."

"Well yeah, I guess so. Where do you want to meet up?"
"I'll meet you guys outside your house in ten minutes. Don't worry, it'll be fun."

I put on a coat, and get ready to leave. I know that if I want to sneak out. I need to make it past my sisters and my mom, not to mention the guards waiting right outside the door. I'll have to be fast. Even if I am caught, I can just say I'm going to Sierra's house to study. It'll be fine. I keep repeating this to myself as I quietly open the door. Just walk calmy, with your head held up. No one will question you. I slowly peek out, to make sure no one is there, and strut out, my head held up high. I walk down the stairs, and realize that it was smart of Jo to make me wait until we get to the club to change. Jo and Mercedes have done this a couple of times, they know what they are doing. Once we get outside the club, I am going to go to the bathroom, and change into the clothes Mercedes will have brought for me. Mercedes' mother doesn't really tend to her much. She just buys her what she wants, and tries to stay out of her way. Mercedes is powerful like that. I reach the front door, and just as I can walk out, a voice behind me makes me jump. "Marley?" I turn around to see Genevieve looking up at me. "You know you can't leave the house without Mommy, right?" " G, what are you doing," I ask, slightly annoyed seeing my four year old sister trying to parent me. "Let me explain something to you G. I am an adult, and you are still a baby." I see her eyes starting to well up with tears. Works every time. "Because I am an adult, I get to do what I want. Because you are still a baby," I continue, emphasizing the word baby, causing her to tear up more, "You have to listen to what I say. So, go play somewhere else." She gets up, and starts crying and running to my mother's room, probably to complain and whine. Whatever. I open the doors and walk out before anyone has a chance to come down and stop me. I walk straight past the gaurds, because they know better than to question me and end up in a fight. About five minutes later, I reach Sierra's house. "Come on girl! We don't have all night! We need to get there while the young guys are walking in so we can sneak in." I see Mercedes stumble on her way down the steps on Sierra's front porch. "Are you already drunk?" I ask, holding in a laugh. "So what? The night is young, so are we, something like that ..." she trails off, bursting into giggles. We hail a cab and tell him to take us to the club. He turns around and looks at us. "Ain't you a little young to be goin' to the club?" Mercedes looks at him, right in the eye, and says " No, so hurry up and drive." We reach the club, and all four of us go to the bathroom. Mercedes hands me a short dress and stilettos and tells me to go change. When I walk out of the stall, I turn to the mirror, and wow, I look different. Jo digs through her purse and brings out some make up. Once she's done, I look nothing like myself, but hey, I could get used to this. We walk in, and it's nothing like I've ever seen before. Everyone is drinking, smoking, dancing, grinding, you name it. "Now this, Marley and Sierra, is the life you need to live. In fact, we'll help you get started. Here is a little something called alcohol. Now, sweet children, this may be a new concept for you ... younglings, " Jo continues, "but alcohol is something you drink. So, my students, drink." Let's just say that by the end of the night, I was pretty tipsy. The clock slowly reached two a.m., and we decided to leave so that we wouldn't get caught. We hailed a cab outside the club, and we must've have been quite a sight because the drivier didn't even ask, he just drove us to Sierra's house. From there I walked home, stumbling every few steps, but still walking. I took off the heels Mercedes had let me borrow and walked in, hoping no one was up.

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