Joining the A.S.S.

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SMG4: Good choice. My fellow agents will get you to the place where they'll prepare you for your new job. Gives player a helmet Welcome to Anime Secret Service.

15 minutes later in A.S.S. training center

A.S.S. Chief: If you are here then you want to protect the Kingdom from the weebs. You'll have to overcome fear, death and their weird interest for 2D women. Shoot the targets with your guns and we'll see if you cut out for this.

Agents get their rifels and start shooting

Swag: This is gonna be so easy. I'll have the most shots.

Chris: Says the guy who couldn't shoot a fat Italian escaping from the prison.

Swag: Shut up Chris!

Objective: Shoot the targets

A.S.S. Chief: Ok. Now do a little battle royale. Shoot each other with these fake bullets. If you get shot too much you're out. GO!

Objective: Complete the training

Swag: Goddamnit! This guy is probably cheating!

Chris: You're just jealous because you can't shoot.

Swag: Shut up Chris!

Speaker turns on

Speaker: We got emergency situation in Mushroom City Downtown. Units needed ASAP.

A.S.S. Chief: Alright. Training's over. Time for your first dispatch. Get to your vehicle!

Everyone runs to the A.S.S. truck.

Swag: You're sitting in the back. I sit in the front.

Swag and Chris are sitting in the front (with Chris driving) while the player and other agents sit in the back. Chris turns on the police sirens and drives of

Swag: Time to kick some weabo ass!

Mission completed: Welcome to A.S.S.

Screen goes black and the logo of the game shows up with some intense music playing

You see a mission menu where you can choose missions in the game

March 17th 2019

A.S.S. truck stops on the side of the road behind few cop cars. Agents get of

Chris: So what do we got here?

Cop: You see that house at the end of the street? We spotted some anime smugglers entering it and sent officers to investigate but we lost contact 10 minutes ago. Find them and arrest the smugglers. If it's necessary use fire. Good luck.

Objective: Investigate the building


Objective: Kill the smugglers

Swag: That's what you get for watching that anime trash bitches!

Chris: These guys where better than I thought.

Back at the outpost

A.S.S. Chief: Good job back there. You've proven your skill in protecting the Kingdom. Especially you points at the player You might be very useful for our anti-anime operations. But now there's still many tests waiting for you. We'll find out if you all can pass them.

Mission completed: First dispatch

March 18th 2019

Swag: Hey! Wake up bitch! You're on guard now. Check if people don't have those chinese cartoons in their cars and if they do kill them lol.

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