True Ending (updated version)

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Mission completed: Final Hours

Credits play with sad version of SMG4 theme

Post credit cutscene shows Desti's funeral and SMG4 characters saluting as Desti's coffin is pushed to the water by Meggy. The player also salutes. He's standind far in the back behind all people who attended the funeral. When everyone is leaving he's approached by Axol

Axol: Hey... Because of all this I still haven't thank you. You tried to save me back when they were kidnapping me. Maybe I can repay you with this. Gives the newest part of Nova Explorers with his autograph

The player smiles, they shake hands and leave

A secret mission appears in your mission menu.

June 15th 2019

The player is in his house still resting after his crazy anime adventure. He goes to the bathroom to take a piss. Suddenly something green inside the toilet starts glitching and the player falls out of the world into the backrooms. He doesn't feel safe because he left his gun in his living room.

Objective: Find the exit

After exploring the back rooms and going through the birthday styled room the player sees a monster standing in the hallway starring at him. It roars and starts chasing you.

Objective: Escape the monster

The player run sinto the elevator at last second. He calms down a little. Suddenly weird noises can be heard from behind the elevator. The door opens and the player sees a giant hand draging some Mario Recolor into the darkness. The player imidiately goes to help him and catches his hand.

Mario Recolor: NO! Leave me here and save yourself! He already kidnapped most of our kind! Get out of this building through the main hall! Then go straight few kilometers until you reach the cybertunnel! That's the only way out of the Dark Web. And don't stop no matter what... AHHHHHHH!!!!!

The Mario Recolor gets draged into the darkness. His lifeless body gets thrown out of there. Suddenly a red light turns on in the shadow.

Objective: RUN

The player gets close to the exit but the giant hand catches him.

3 months later 2 toads walk past player's house.

Toad 1: Hey. Did you notice that our neighbor disappeared some time ago?

Toad 2: Yeah. Should we do somehing about it?

Toad 1: Hmmmmm... How about we take all his stuff and put his house for sale?

Toad 2: YEZ!

We see Toad putting the „For Sale" sign on the front yard of player's house that turns out to be the same house Meggy bought after Meggy's Destiny.

Mission completed: [REDACTED]

You have unlocked: The True Ending

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