True Ending (scrapped version)

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Author's note: This is NOT another updated version of the True Ending. I just found a document with ending that I scrapped when I was still writing this story/game scenario. I scrapped it because the Genesis Arc gave me a new idea to get rid of the player (our protagonist) from the SMG4 crew without killing him. (He was caught by Zero who was looking for tha avatar and later he was rescued along with other Mario recolors during 10 year anniversary special. He's now living peacefully in Bloopersville.)

Why did I want to get rid of him? Because I want this story to fit the SMG4 canon. To make it look like it actually happened in the universe.

June 6th 2019

You and the group of A.S.S. Agents are walking through the empty hallway. On the wall you see a giant sign „SECTOR 3"

A.S.S. Agent: They can be anywhere. Have your eyes open guys...

Objective: Find Axol, Meggy and Desti

Anime caracters come out through the doors on the sides of the hall and start shooting

A.S.S. Agent: Push foward!

Objective: Fight your way through Sector 3

You make it to the end of the hallway and you're the last one alive from your group. But you can't go back. The stakes are too high. You see plan of the base. Hallway on the left leads to the prison block and Sectors 1&2. Hallway on the right leads to the ink pumps and Sectors 4&5. Hallway in the middle leads to Ink Zuccer 3000. The player remembers everything about the Ink Zuccer from Francis's plan he has seen and is sure that Meggy, Axol and Desti are there.

Objective: Fight your way to the Ink Zuccer 3000

Speaker: Multiple intruders detected. Emergency Security System Online.

The system makes all doors between the sectors close. You see a vent and open it using your weapon. You try to get past the doors in the vent but you get lost easily. Eventually the player gets near some anime storage room. You hear some inkling voices from there so you take a look.

Sam: Damnit! The longer we're here, the more I regret doing this. I'm telling you Kenji! Selling Meggy to them was not a good idea. What if A.S.S. finds and kills us?!

Kenji: You should've quit this action when we were telling her we're quitting Splatsquad, Sam. But look on the bright side. We're gonna be set for life! Who cares about the Splatfest anyway? Namai must be dumb to pay us so much just to leave a team and to pay Francis to kill it's leader. And Splatsquad was already doomed the moment Mario joined.

Killer Ink leader enters the room.

Sam: What's going on out there?! Every door in the hallways is closed!

Kenji: And where's our money?

Killer Ink leader: The A.S.S. agents got into the base. But don't worry. Francis and his people will deal with them while we can just stay here and get to buiseness. Here's the check. 50 million coins just like I promised.

Kenji: Damn... That's a lot. You got a rich family or something?

Killer Ink leader: That my secret.

Voice in a walkie talkie: We got more intruders in Sector 4! We need your help here!

Killer Ink leader: Ugh... Fine. Give me a sec.

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