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Player throws the A.S.S. helmet on the ground

SMG4: Well... I tried to be nice and help you but whatever. That's your choice. Guys! Arrest him.

2 A.S.S. Agents approach the player to hancuff him. When thay get close the player quickly grabs pistol from one of them, kicks him so hard he falls on SMG4 and knocks both out and shoots the second agent before he could get his own gun. The player turn aroun and sees other agents running towards him with their guns ready. He hides behind his car and loads the gun

Objective: Kill the A.S.S. Agents

You kill the last A.S.S. Agent and hear sirens of more A.S.S. vehicles getting close you get in your car and drive away. As the player drives away SMG4 gets up and gets his walkie-talkie

SMG4: I got a dangerous weeb resisting arrest! I need backup! NOW!

Later you are chased by several A.S.S. trucks through the Mushroom City. You pick your gun to shoot them off

Objective: Escape the A.S.S.

You almost got out of the city but there's an A.S.S. roadblock. Luckily there's also Obama's Convinient Ramp next to it. You speed up and jump over the roadblock. After you get away you're speeding on the highway. Suddenly the engine starts getting on fire so you pull over. The car has been heavily damaged by bullets, A.S.S. cars ramming you and that jump on the ramp. The player grabs his manga from the clipboard and gets off. He runs away and his car explodes seconds later. While the player is running along the highway some black japanese car drives up to him. The window rolls down and you see Bob and some weeb looking guys inside

Bob: BrO. i sAW WhAt yOu DId. ThAt Ass pOLice DOesN't sTAnD A ChANce AGAinsT yOU. NoW CoME wITH mE If yOu wANt tO lIVE.

The player gets in and the car drives back to the Mushroom City. The group stops next to some old warehouse

Bob: WErE hEre. C'mOn brO. SENpAi NEEds tO KNow yOU.

They enter the place and see many people carrying and moving crates with anime CDs, mangas and bodypillows. They pass them and go to the second floor where they see Francis

Anime Cartel Member: Senpai. We got someone new who might help us. We saw him running away from and shooting to A.S.S.

Bob: YeAH. HE gAVe thOSE bITches nO CHAncE.

Francis: Hmm... So we got a warrior here. We could use some help from people like you. But let me introduce myself first. I'm Francis – the boss of the Anime Cartel and the biggest otaku in the kingdom. The Mushroom Kingdom was always full of us otakus but now the anime is banned and the A.S.S. took everything from us (I heared it's because some idiot used 2% of his power while pretending to be Goku and accidentally destroyed princess's castle).

Bob: sweats nervously

Francis: And since the anime is illegal here now and otakus still need their waifus I decided to create an organisation that smuggles anime to the kingdom and gives it to those who need it. So? Do you wanna work for me? Think about all the anime you can get. You'll have your otaku dreams come true.

Player thinks for a second and nods

Francis: Perfect. Now I need to check if you're really that good. I'll give you some dangerous job to do and if you do it right I'll hire you but if you fail... well... let's skip that part.

Mission completed: The Escape

March 17th 2019

Anime Cartel Member: suddenly runs inside SENPAI! The A.S.S. and the cops found one of our transports in Mushroom City Downtown. Our people are trying to stop them from entering the hideout!

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