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AU: Wizard Jin and Auror Byulyi, Harry Potter AU, Travel Far Away one-shot



At sunrise, Kim Seokjin hummed as he made his way back to his traditional Korean home. After removing his leather shoes at the entryway, he divested himself of his costume. It was a two-piece checkered suit and maroon tie. He had just come back from a photo shoot for a new cellphone ad for Samsung. This time around his part-time job involved modeling.

Yawning, Seokjin took his hand and brushed his other arm slowly. Just as his palm went from his shoulder down to his elbow, bits, and pieces of fabric faded away. Little squares of white polyester faded into the air revealing sapphire silk. What was once a duo of a crisp dress shirt and checkered trousers, Seokjin was now dressed in dark comfortable joggers, a black t-shirt with gold details (he liked fancy things), and a deep blue hanbok that glimmered in the sun as he moved.

Isn't this a bit extra, Jin-hyung?  Seokjin recalled his housemate, Auror trainee Jeon Jungkook, and his comment on his choice of loungewear.

Isn't this a bit extra, Jin-hyung?  Seokjin recalled his housemate, Auror trainee Jeon Jungkook, and his comment on his choice of loungewear

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As a particular guest bedroom came into view, he quietly slid the door open and peeked inside. "Yeobo! How is the most beautiful woman in the world doing?!"

A vase from a corner exploded. Seokjin was lucky enough to evade the shards of bone china as they struck the wooden lintel and door frame. Instead of an attack on his handsome face, he had hoped for a sweet greeting from Auror Moon. He remembered fondly a week ago when she had arrived in Seoul from London. She graced him with her ethereal presence, walked up close to him, and-.

"Please do not test my patience in the morning, Mr. Kim. We are neither married nor romantically attached," Auror Moon said in a monotone as she sat in a lotus position on the floor. Her twinkly eyes were unfortunately closed. "Your unnecessary pet names only confirm that you are not serious about this mission."

Seokjin's heart sank as he crawled forward on all fours and sat in the same position. He noticed that his guest was already dressed in her dark red blazer with charcoal pencil trousers. She had even put on new makeup. That morning instead of a perpetual grimace, she chose a mild frown.

"I do take it seriously!" Jin was about to blow a kiss but took it back quickly after he felt the air fizz with the telltale signs of more wandless and hazardous magic

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"I do take it seriously!" Jin was about to blow a kiss but took it back quickly after he felt the air fizz with the telltale signs of more wandless and hazardous magic. "Okay. Okay. I'll keep my promise. C'mon, join me at the Hoarding House."


Auror Moon could smell dust, musty books, and the faint scent of pressed flowers- jasmine perhaps. She had followed him into a small shed called the Hoarding House. True to its moniker, it was a wooden tool shed on the outside but a warehouse on the inside that curated Kim Seokjin's belongings. Some were wizarding curiosities while others were just junk like his collection of plastic grocery bags. This did not surprise her, both the intricate magic and the habit of collecting unnecessary things.

Both of them were there to obtain an artifact that would give them a clue about the next timeline they were supposed to travel. They had already traversed to the Joseon period and rescued a slave from execution. They were now in possession of a key made out of red coral.

"When I was in my early 20's I even worked as a singer. Do you know BTS?" Jin asked twirling his wrist to adjust his spectacles. He was knee-deep in a crate filled with locks.

"I've heard of them. Yes." the Auror replied. She leaned behind a pillar and observed a shelf filled with jars of preserved vampire teeth.

She remembered a time when her flatmate, Yongsun, became so obsessed with the said band and a member named Jimin. She even customized the wireless radio to play both muggle and wizarding music. Stupefy and WaterMelon, was it? She also played this one song again and again and again throughout the day and back then Auror Moon accidentally set the wireless on fire.

"Now that you mention it. You do look familiar," she mentally scolded herself for not recognizing the same young man on the telly. He was the Healer (Doctor).

"Oh! Found you!" Seokjin plucked out a red lock from the pile. "Jinjja? It must have been your future husband then!" He sent a wink her way making the woman blush.

Auror Moon recalled having a small crush on the dark-haired Healer when she first watched BTS. She will now take that secret to the grave.

She watched him fumble his way out of the crate and summoned a chair from a far corner. He did so haphazardly, mispronouncing Accio with Aniyo but somehow was still able to bring said chair forward as it made a clang and bang sound as it hit random objects.

Dubbed probably one the of most powerful wizards of their generation, Auror Moon had expected Kim Seokjin to be a mature man who had probably seen too much of the world. Knowledgeable yet cynical. She imagined him as one who lived out his life as a sage in a questionable neighborhood.

She did not expect him to be 30 years old with boyish features and a habit of pouting his lips and wiggling his arms in a bizarre dance. Instead of a flat filled with books and research, Auror Moon stepped into a historical house with a beautifully manicured garden. His room let in a lot of sunlight and had shelves filled with plush toys of creatures called Pokemon and Super Mario. What odd names.

He was also a man who liked to ask peculiar questions. Just this morning as they shared a breakfast of tofu soup and rolled eggs, he asked about her family lineage and then giggled. Being born in England far from their motherland, she was not aware of any relative that was a Sailor Moon.

Note to self. Trace family tree for any members who sailed boats professionally. She breathed out a sigh and sat down on the chair Seokjin had provided.

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