SUTURES & SUITOR: Don't ovary act

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AU: Doctors JinByul 


Jin's white sneakers hit the sidewalk as he hopped off the bus.

He tightened his hold on the strap of his backpack and smiled up at the building in front of him. After a year of grueling shifts as an intern, he was now a resident at Seoul National University Hospital. He stood tall. He now had the title, Dr. Kim Seokjin.

Jin bounced on the balls of his feet, marveling at how excited he was. More senior schoolmates talked about how intense the residency program was at that particular hospital. But as Jin strode down the front courtyard, he only felt confidence and pride. Like he was a shining light and nothing phased him. Nothing!

That is until a familiar female appeared from the corner of his eye. She walked toward him, earbuds in place and an apple in her hand. She looked equally calm and self-assured. It made him want to piss her off.

Former classmate, Moon Byulyi, liked to say she was not that smart. She was lying. She was insanely brilliant.

Back in medical school, they were in the same friend and study group for sure, but somehow they developed a silent agreement. Rivals first. Friends second. In pre-med, you could get away with sleeping and then cramming. Medicine required you to absorb every ounce of knowledge and skill until your brain exploded. And what a brain Moon Byulyi had in that little head of hers.

Not as smart as me though. Jin thought triumphantly, as he recalled the look on her face when he was crowned (he was being dramatic) top of their class. She came in a close second, with just a millimeter difference between their grades. And lo have the heavens decided to put them together.

 And lo have the heavens decided to put them together

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"Dr. Kim," Byulyi said as she stood right next to him. She smiled sweetly, the kind that had the corner of her lips high and eyes like crescents.

"Byulyi," Jin nodded with an equal saccharin grin. "We're friends. No need to be so formal."

Jin took a step forward with the intent to grab some coffee at the Tim Hortons on the first floor.

Byulyi followed suit and walked forward. "Glad to see you got accepted into SNUH."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2023 ⏰

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