Chapter Eight- The Black Book

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I hated the suspense, literally.
All I wanted was to just get out of this place were nothing ever happens. Everything, and everyone pisses me off. Just sitting in class for magic essence 105 was draining.
So there was a homicidal dark coven on the loose. Kidnapping kids and gorging them like pigs on a table. We were supposed to just wait our turn? Fuck that! I wasn't going to die. I had no plans to die now.
In front of us is professor Galvin, one of our magic teachers who was actually an elf. How you can tell, if you look very intently. Passed the powerful glamour he wore, you would see the excellent white skin, stern and astute features of his immensely handsome face. If he were to walk around with no glamour it would really cause a lot of troubles for the girls at the citadel. Instead he disguised as an average forty year old professor, wearing an old blazer, and pants cradling books under his arm.
The other students were messing around with magic. I see Thayer sit side by side with Emma holding hands, and generally looking irritating.
I heard Avery made it into the citadel, by help of Judith. Which off course was insane. Knowing what happened to her a few years back when we had tried to summon something that could help us fight the terror of that evil hat coven of Magizens. I wonder what her ability was, hopefully to have nightmares and draw attention to herself. Pathetic!
Today, professor Galvin was teaching us how to modulate our magic even when being distracted. He was calling other people up starting from Miles who sat in front with Jaz.
Jaz shot me a coy glance, and blushed meaningfully. I waved too, with a half smile.
A bowl of chips was placed on the table, and the professor started playing loud pop song from a boom box. It was skater boy by Avril lavigne, and everyone jabbed their heads to the beat of the song. But the song wasn't helping Miles. He tried to focus, but I guess was amazingly difficult since the boom box is directly at his side.
The bowl of chips wobbled, it happened again. Miles frowned. If Miles couldn't do it then we all had a problem. In our coven he was the most focused. One time he had separated a body of water from a fish bowl with the fish floating in an open space. Which was a major challenge for telekines: Magizens who could manipulate objects and stuff with their mind.
Everyone was too focused on him, I guess 'cause no one but me noticed the girl standing outside the room door; wearing rags for clothes and a withered laurel wreath over her head. The room was frozen all of a sudden. No one was moving which was amazing, and crazy at the same time.
She pointed at me. He eyes were glassy. I gulp.
"What do you want kid?" I ask.
She still points at me. "The book" her voice is raspy and dry.
"What book-" I ask looking at my side. The big leather bound black book I had returned to the restricted area, was now sitting on my table again. This book since that day won't let me live my life. Talking about a whole different level of creepy.
"You want it?" I ask. She walks away slowly.
"Hey, wait up!" I demand, grabbing my bag and the stupid book. Glancing over my shoulder everyone is still frozen. Was this the girl's magic. What kind of Magizen had the ability to manipulate time itself?
I followed after her, through the frozen crowd of kids on the way. The girl ghosted through the building, heading out of the citadel, and into the normal fucked up school library. She was now in the hallways, no one was there, of course. It was passed school ours everyone was either at their respective dorms catching some shut eye, or at the Rising Hook catching up and stuff.
"Hey, where are you taking us?" I retort. No answer.
Her hair flirts with the cool breeze as she walks towards the school cemetery opposite the old burned down church where our coven meets.
She stops at a grave stone finally. Only I think it was hers. I couldn't tell, it was covered in moss.
I moved gingerly to rub off the moss with my palms. "Valerie Rose." I read out.
Her head inclines automatically in response.
"You went to school here right?" I ask. She nods slowly, I could see her neck bone and some chunks of decayed flesh barely connecting with the bone. I've seen a lot of horror movies to let this move me. Though it was irrevocably daunting.
"What did you want to show me?" I ask her. She points at the book again. I look at it. The symbol of the Magizens over the cover: a cross inside a circle. She nods again faster this time. Edging me to open it but the book wouldn't budge. It was like it had a mind of its own. It had opened up that time at the library where it had engulfed me in thick black smoke, and the second in my dorm room. But, since then it had remained silent and unrevealing.
I looked up and the cemetery was filled with dead kids each standing at their respective graves, they all looked grey. Like white walkers from that Game of Thrones series, and it was sad very very sad, seeing kids die so young. And then I understand. They were all murdered here at this school.
"A dark coven cometh..." They all talked in unison, their voice reverberating over the trees and sounding hollow. "Yeah, well no kidding." I interjected rolling my eyes.
"The old ones are rising, only the one with the power to drift can stop this Madness." They continued.
"Wait what?!" I shrieked.
"Beware of the dark one, and the book of the damned!" They add like a choir in a cathedral. I squint my eyes, trying to make sense of all of this but can't.
A hand touches me, and I wake up on my bed, at 2:30am. Jaz is glaring perplexed at me. It was all a dream. That shit had felt so surreal.
"Are you okay Becky?" Jaz retorts with utter fervor in her voice.
From the corner of my eyes I catch sight of the black book peeking out of my bag. I tug it in all the way, not taking my eyes off Jaz.
"Yeah." I say, breathing raspily.
"I'm all good."

Strange Magic(Book one of the Magizens series by Wisdom Omoghene)Where stories live. Discover now