Chapter 2: Nightmares

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I woke up on the green moss and grass. I tried to sit up but my head hurts and I realized my head was on a huge rock. I rubbed my neck and flinched from the soreness. Where am I? I look around and there's trees everywhere and the bright sky with barely any clouds. I got up and stretched my ached back. I walked around and I realized that I've been here before, I didn't know when or if it's only a feeling. The trees are tall, the air smells like flowers, the sand covered my toes. I suddenly felt like I wanted to stay here forever. Forget everything. Never go back. I've always wanted to be free right?

I stop in my thoughts as I heard leaves rustling behind me. I turned around and spotted a dark figure by the trees. I blinked and just like it was gone it was gone, or he or she. I presume my thoughts, but somehow I get this dark feeling like someone is watching me. I look around realizing where I actually am. This island, this wretched place. I have to get home. Before I can't anymore, before the shadow gets me. The rush of memories returned, the shadow tried to kill me once. I panicked as I frantically thought of ways off this place. I noticed a black figure behind me. I ran as fast as I could tripping on tree branches and finally stopped because so I can catch my breath. Everything was quiet all of the sudden. The crickets Were silent and there was no rush of wind. I feel dizzy and I can feel my mind clouding with bad thoughts. I can't believe this. I'm so pathetic. What if the shadow catches me? The image of the pitch black figure ripping my heart out of my chest made me feel sick. I can't protect myself. I'm just gonna stand here waiting for the pain until I'm surrounded in darkness. At least that's what death feels like right? Maybe I deserve to die. Maybe someone who is so willing to accept death should just die. I shake my head trying to get rid of the bad thoughts.

"Stop. Stop!" I screamed in frustration.

Suddenly I could hear a loud ringing sound. I covered my ears and fall on my knees waiting for it to stop. I stopped in my tracks realizing that this is not real. I'm dreaming. I'm not actually here. I'm not about to die. That loud ringing must be my alarm clock. I closed my eyes whispering,

"This isn't real, this isn't real, I'm dreaming, this isn't real, this isn't real..."

I woke up on my bed sweating and tears in my eyes. I still heard the loud ringing and realized that my alarms clock was still going off. My lower back ached and my neck throbs for reasons I don't know. Thank god that was just a dream. It felt so real. The pain from thinking I'm too weak to protect myself was the worst. I promised myself to practice archery in the woods after school in order to prove to myself that I'm not weak and pathetic. I took a second glance at my alarm clock and froze before stumbling out of bed realizing that I'm late.

I put on skinny jeans and grabbed a jacket and my books on the way out the door. My mom's car wasn't outside so she's probably at the sheriff station which is where she's recently been going in the mornings. I knocked, more like pounded on Henry's bedroom door. He opened the door and from the looks of it, he was probably sleeping when I decided to wake him up with my loud knocking.

"Aren't you suppose to be in school?" he asked still half asleep.

"Mom's gone and I woke up late, can you please drive me?" I begged. He groaned and decided to change before sending me to school. We got in his new car which he treats better than he does his own sister. He even made sure to tell me no to slam the door. I got bored when he's driving so I decided to search for a book to read. I got books out of my bag and you will not believe what I found. The storybook. The one with 'Once Upon A Time' written on the cover, the one I put safely away in my bookcase last night.
"Hey have you seen this book before?" I lifted the book in order for Henry to see. He might remember reading it to me when I was a kid. He turned his head slightly to my direction since he's driving, and totally freaked out and swerved to the side a little which gave him a few honks from the cars behind us.
"Where did you find that?" he asked trying to look at me but still trying to keep his eyes on the road.

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