Chapter 3: "Friends"

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I fell on my back, which had to be the worst spot to land on because it was already sore throughout the day. I basically shrieked when I fell down probably because-
1)I didn't expect to fall, does anyone?
2)I fell on a tree branch that I tripped on after getting hit by someone.
3)I got hurt, obviously.

"Are you okay?" some one asked me. I instantly knew the guy when I looked up. Brown eyes, black hair he probably spent a lot of time styling in front of his mirror every morning, I still can't believe a lot of girls like him. It was Alex, genius in chemistry and football star. Most importantly, he's dating Eva Jones aka. most obnoxious person I've ever met.

"Yeah, I'm good, and I was actually in my way home." I replied blankly. I got up and swiped my hands over my shirt to get all the dirt off.

"Wait aren't you one of Maya's friend?" he asked.

"No." I answered trying my hardest not to roll my eyes.

"Oh, okay, well I just thought-, I saw you guys taking at lunch today. I thought maybe she was inviting you into her group, or posse, whatever they call it."

"I don't even know who Maya is." I lied this time even pausing to roll my eyes because I can't stand this guy.

"Okay never mind, why are you doing out here anyway?"

"Shooting arrows." I saw him looked shocked and then this annoying bastard asked me another question.

"So you're not lost?"

"No." Okay I think he finally got the hint that I don't like him. I hated him sometimes, especially since our chemistry teacher always uses his work as an example except of mine's.

"Okay." He looked at my bow and the arrows in bag. For a second there I thought he looked scared. Probably just my imagination. I walked the rest of the way home thinking of why he would be out that far into the woods. I shrugged the matter off once I got home and realized I had more to worry about. In my living room, Maya Jones was sitting on the couch with my mom.

"You're friend came over asking if you have time to talk to her about the project you guys are doing together." I was confused and looked at Maya thinking why the hell would she be partners with me.

"To be honest I thought you always liked to work alone." I was just standing there trying to absorb what my mom just said.

"Me too." I said and Maya gave me a look which I can't interpret.

"She said you promised to meet her at her house today? She came by wondering why you never came." My mom said but I know it was actually a question.

"What group project?" I asked. My mom raised her eyebrows questioningly at me and Maya answered the questions as if she planned it.

"The group project in Lit class? Mrs. Morgan assigned for me to be your partner." I just stared at her confused. I didn't remember being assigned to a group project.

"I'll just leave you two alone to figure this out." My mom rolled her eyes and left the room.

"I didn't remember Mrs. Morgan assigning us a group project." I told Maya.

Maya lowered her voice to a whisper and said, "That's because she didn't."

"Wait," I turned around looking at my mom in the kitchen, "You lied?"

Maya hushed me and said, "Yea." Like it was no problem.

"Why?" I said looking back at her.

"We're going somewhere." She said pulling my hand out the door.

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