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This is my first day of my senior year in high school. I don't feel nervous or even a slight excitement. I just need to get straight A's in all my classes this year like my past 3 years to get a scholarship to any college with a 100 miles radius away Storybrooke. I just want to be free, make my own decisions. I' m desperate to get out of town and I shouldn't make any friends that I'll get too attached to, I haven't for these past years. Although as I look around the hallway I see groups of friends talking, laughing, they're lucky, I thought. The closest thing I have to a friend is my brothers. 

I look at my schedule again, then look at my combination for the hundredth time. I walk the hallways trying to find my locker. I've already been given dirty looks by people I accidentally bump into. I finally found my locker and I looked at my wristwatch and realized I have 2 minutes to get to class. I got everything I needed for class, and fast walked into Literature class. I spotted a seat at the back of the class and rushed there so nobody else would claim the seat before me. I sat down and lined the edges of my books at the corner of the table. 

The first period bell rang and I was ready to spend my last year in this town. 


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