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Nea's P.O.V.

When I woke up I was in a room alone. Suddenly remembering what happened I bolted up and ran to the door to get out. Unfortunately, the door was locked. I looked around the room. From one look I could tell that the room was reinforced, built to keep someone in. 

Knowing that I wouldn't be able to get out for a while, I laid down on the bed and stared at the ceiling. 

I found myself remembering my childhood or lack of one. That was until I met my dad and siblings. One thing that still stuck out was the fact that I had a brother. Not Suho, but a twin brother, one that dad decided to keep. 

I was heartbroken at first, but we quickly became best friends. He was the only one allowed to call me by my real name. "DaDa" is what he called me, and in return, I gave him the nickname "Jae Jae". Unfortunately, we both had a rough childhood. We were forced to train to become agents at a young age.

I was given the code name Agent Zero while he received Agent One. We were at the top of our class at the agency. Whenever dad would get mad at me, Sungjae was always there for me. Then one day, he was able to put it all behind him and leave the agency. However, for me it was harder, I couldn't leave the only constant in my life behind. So I kept giving myself scars.

I haven't talked to Sungjae in years, and I regret it. As I have said before, most of my family members are famous. Sungjae is not an exception. After leaving the agency, I remember him telling me he was going to audition for an entertainment agency. 

It's been more than 5 years since I have talked to him. Even when I joined P&A I didn't even message him.

Throughout my time as a K-pop idol, I met many friends. I wonder what they would think of me if they learned that I am a spy and that I was kidnapped by a mafia member. They would probably be disgusted.

Jungkook probably hates me. I knew I should have told him, but I didn't want him to look at me in a different way. 

Sungjae probably hates me as well. I regret not reaching out more. I miss him, my brother.

It was for situations like this that I change my will weekly. Because I know that one day I will die and I want to make sure that those that I leave behind know how much they mean to me. 

Suddenly I remember Sungjae and I messing around during practice. 

"DaDa! I bet that you can't get the instructor to take off his wig!"

"you're on! 20,000 won!" I said giving him a thumbs up. I then looked to the front of the class and gasped.

"Teacher! Don't panic but there is a deadly hornet on your head!" I said pointing at his wig and getting out of my seat.

"What?! get it off! get it off!" he yelled while dancing around, only for him to take his wig off and throw it on the ground.

"It flew away! you're safe" I said before looking at Sungjae and doing a victory dance.

That day I won 20,000 won, and a memory that keeps me happy.

I found myself overcome with sadness, as I curled into a ball and let everything out. Sobbing into my hands I wished I was in Jungkook's embrace.

I fell asleep in the midst of my pain, only to be awakened by the door to the room I was in being slammed open. 

"Sweetie! We are to be married in 3 days!" Cosimo yells.

Jungkook's P.O.V.

My fist landed right in JYP's face. "Was that bullshit you were spouting when she was in a coma even real?!"

Namjoon and Jin held me back as I kept trying to yell at him.

"You are the reason she was taken! You put her in danger!" I screamed tears trailing down my face.

"I know," he said with no emotion, "that's why I am bringing in Agent One,"

"Sir! He retired!" Mark yelled

"So did you, but here you are, once he knows what happened he will come, even if it is just to kill me," he said looking down.

Before anyone else could say anything JYP was on the floor and a man was on top of him, hitting him repeatedly. "I am already here!"

"You just can't let her live a normal life can you?!" he screamed as his fist connected with JYP's face.

Mark and Jackson pulled him off before yelling at both of them, "Sungjae! Sir! fighting is taking up the time needed to save Nea!"

Then Suho stepped in and hugged Sungjae, "it will be okay, we will find her,"

"So you are telling me that Sungjae from BTOB is also an agent?" Suga Hyung asked astonished.

"he retired," Mark said while walking, "follow me,".

Sungjae took one last look at JYP before saying, "I swear to god if anything happens to DaDa I will kill you, I don't care if you are my father,"


"I'm her twin brother," Sungjae replied, "I left the agency before joining BTOB.

Before anyone could say anything a man ran into the room.

"Sir! We found where they are keeping her!"



I was thinking to myself, how can I make this story more cliche! 

ANYWAYS! I hope you like this chapter!

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