Cosimo more like Cosino

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No one's P.O.V.

The kidnapped spy sat there disgusted at the words coming out of the disturbed man's mouth.

"Excuse me? I think I heard you wrong. I swear you said we are getting married," she laughed thinking the man was joking and that he was just going to kill her.

"You heard correctly," he responded in Italian, a smirk on his face.

"I am not marrying you, Marino," she replied 

"Yes, you will. You either agree or I force you, through means, you most definitely won't like. 

"I am not marrying you," I said again this time sternly.

"You. Will. Marry. Me. That is the decision I have made, Agent Zero," he said as he traced his hand down my cheek.

"I see, well given that it's a stupid ass decision, I have elected to ignore it, I will not marry you,"

"I see, well given that it's a stupid ass decision, I have elected to ignore it, I will not marry you,"

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"Damn it!" he yelled as he took out a gun from behind his back, "You are really getting on my nerves!"

He walks back and forth, mumbling to himself about how he should get me to comply.

Fear creeps up the girl's back as he stops and a cruel smile finds its way onto his face.

"If you won't do it of your own accord, I can make it so you can't run," With that, she kicks him back and run towards the door.

she can hear him hot on her trail as she runs through the house, not knowing where to go. It is then that she hits a dead end.

"It's over Nea, You're mine," he says as he raises his gun and shoots her in the leg.

Nea screams and falls to the ground. 

Suddenly his demeanor changes and he runs up to the spy with a worried expression, "Oh my god! I didn't mean for it to hurt that bad! I just wanted you to stay with me,"

He tries to pick her up but she resists, and his emotions return to angry. He hits the girl over the head with the butt of his gun. 

With that, she wakes up exactly where she started, her cell disguised as a bedroom.

Nea looks to the side of her and finds Cosimo laying next to her, sleeping.

She takes this chance to try and find a way out once again but is stopped in her tracks when she realized, one of her hands was handcuffed to the bed. 

She looks at the mirror that is across from the bed, realizing she no longer looks like herself. She was littered with bruises that she didn't have the last time she was awake.

The man had taken his anger out on her while she was passed out. she couldn't believe how cowardly the man was.

Suddenly someone barged into the room screaming in Italian, "Sir! We are under attack!"

Cosimo Marino jolts up and goes around the bed, undoing one side of the handcuffs and putting it on her other hand. He then throws her over his shoulder taking her towards what she can only imagine is her doom.

When Nea is finally put on her feet again, she is at the edge of a rocky cliff that goes to the ocean. From behind her, she hears a voice she missed, "Da-Eun!"

"Nea!" Jungkook yelled as he started running towards her.

Before he can get near them, however, he is stopped by a voice.

"Stop!" Cosimo yells, "You are already too late! If I can't have her no one can!"

At that moment the man threw Nea backwards towards the ocean. Before falling she grabbed the side of the cliff. Knowing she wouldn't be able to pull herself up she opted to grab Cosimo's ankle.

"You're coming with me," she said as she pushed off the side of the cliff, Cosimo's ankle still in her hand.

As they both fell Nea thought about her life. In the second before she hit the water, she decided that her life wasn't that bad and that she had Jungkook to thank for that.

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