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The next morning Morana and Bucky awoke to a call from Sam which they weren't expecting

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The next morning Morana and Bucky awoke to a call from Sam which they weren't expecting. He informed them that somehow Karli had managed to get ahold of Sam's sister, Sarah, and threaten her and her children.

Sam immediately told Sarah to pack a bag and take herself and the boys somewhere safe for the night as Bucky, Sam and I would take care of the problem.

As they walked the streets, on their way to find Karli Sam got a message.

"The rooftop above North Plaza. Now. Come alone"

"That was easier than I thought" I told the guys as I looked down at the message.

"A bit too easy" Sam mumbled. "She said come alone"

"We're coming with you" Bucky said.

"We're all aware this may be a trap, right?" I mentioned.

"Yes" the guys said in union.

"Good, now let's go"

They arrived at the abandoned location, dressed in their suits, Morana in her usual black attire and boots. As it was easier to move and fight in, not to mention more comfortable.

"Karli!" Sam yelled, his voice echoing around the building.

We exchanged looks, before heading up stairs which led us to the rooftop.

"You called my sister? That's how we're gonna play this?" Sam asked, as soon as Karli come into sight.

"Sam, I would never hurt her. I wanted to understand you better" Karli said, moving away from the ledge as Bucky and I stood back giving the two space to talk.

"I see you, um, didn't come alone" She stated obviously, eyeing me and Bucky.

"You have to end this now" Sam told Karli.

"I don't wanna hurt you, you're a tool in the regimes I want to destroy. You're not hiding behind a shield. If I were to kill you, it'd be meaningless. I was gonna ask you to join me or do the world a favour and let me go" Karli informed.

"Hey guys, new Cap is moving, looks like he's found them, or maybe they found him" They heard Sharon say, through their ear pieces.

They all exchanged knowing looks, that Karli was stalling them so the Flag Smashers could kill John. Obviously Morana is frilled to hear that John is about to be killed, but the only problem was that she wants to be the one to do it when the times right.

Sam jumped off the railing taking off mid air, flying in the direction of John, while Bucky and Morana jumped down, landing swiftly on their feet. Before sprinting in their headed direction.

They made it to the location that Sam had sent them and headed straight into the building. One of the Flag Smashers jumped onto the stairs and headed directly for Bucky.

While Morana was distracted watching Bucky fight the Flag Smasher, she didn't notice the one sneak up behind her.

That was until the person wrapped their arm around her throat, but lucky enough Morana reacted quickly and head butted them backwards, causing the now known male to stumble back. Morana took this as her opportunity to reach for her knife and plunge it into his chest.

She watched as the man's limp body fell over the railing and down the stairs. "Ouch" She mumbled under her breathe, as Bucky shook his head with a scoff.

They gave each other a look before making their way to Sam and John.

As the reached the room, Sam and John were already fighting at least seven of the Flag Smashers. Suddenly, a knife pierced through the air flying past Bucky and I. Bucky caught it with ease.

Bucky and Morana split ways, going for each of their targets. Morana stumbled back as one of the Flag Smashers abruptly connected their fist with her chest. It knocked the wind out of her for a quick second, but she soon regained control and took him down.

As I knocked out the last Flag Smasher I could see Lemar charging at Kari. "Don't!" I screamed, knowing nothing good would come out of it.

But it was too late, Karli had already raised her fist to punch Lemar and as she did his body flew across the room and connected with one of the stone pillars.

His body went limp, and Morana knew he wouldn't have survived a blow like that. The fighting soon ceased and the room filled with silence. We all watched in despair as John walked over to his friend, looking for any sign of life.

Of course Morana hates John, but she had nothing against his partner as she barely knew him. From what she knew of he seemed like a good guy, he just mixed in with the wrong people, I mean Morana did warn them that John's a magnet for suffering and pain.

As John was kneeled in front of Lemar, Bucky, Sam and I, stood back and watched in complete and utter silence and the Flag Smashers took that as their opportunity to flee.

We could all see John turn in the direction of the fleeing Flag Smashers. "John, don't" Sam said, calmly.

John didn't even make eye contact with us and before we knew it he jumped out of the window and went after them. We shortly followed behind, knowing we'd have to pick up the pieces of the mess John was going to make.

We were half way there, but stopped dead at the sound of a crash, my heart dropped at the sound. So, we quickened our pace in the direction. We finally arrived and when we did there were people formed in a circle, standing around John. They stood with their jaws on the floor.

Everyone had their phones out, filming the scene in front of them, terror filling their faces. When the three had a clear look of the scene in front of them, they froze.

John stood there holding the shield, covered in blood. He stood over one of the Flag Smashers body who was now decapitated and he didn't even seemed phased, not even as he wiped the blood off the shield. His face is completely blank and unreadable.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2021 ⏰

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