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This story is the gyrosphere underwater scene in Fallen Kingdom but then different.
Inspired by: MyLittle_Corner
CONTENT WARNING: Main characters die

Claire and Franklin were trapped in the gyrosphere that was slowly sinking and filling up with water. Cracks appeared in the glass, making the water rise even faster. "We're gonna die.", Franklin panicked. "Don't say that. We will get out of here, I promise.", Claire tried to calm him down. She noticed someone outside the gyrosphere, it was Owen. "Owen!", she was happy to see him. He tried to shoot the glass with the gun he had but a hot rock from the volcano hit his arm. "Owen! No!", she wanted to be with him so badly. He was okay. Owen pulled out his knife and tried to free them. The gyrosphere was almost fully filled. "Take a deep breath.", Claire commanded Franklin. They both went underwater. If Owen didn't hurry up right now, they would die. Owen was trying his best but he couldn't open the glass door. He was running out of breath himself so he had to swim up. He could see the panic and fear in Claire's eyes when he left her and Franklin.

Owen came back after a bit, finding Claire and Franklin both passed out. He didn't knew or they were dead or unconscious. He had to keep trying. Finally, the door opened. Owen used all his power to drag both bodies to the surface. "Claire! Wake up! Franklin! Come on! Please!", Owen tried to resuscitate them but he was too late. He stared at the two lifeless bodies in front of him. Tears streamed down his cheeks. "Claire.. don't leave me..", he whispered and rested his head against her cold wet body. "Please.. come back..", he begged. His tears seemed to be endless. He failed at saving the love of his life. "I love you..", he whispered, he had never told her how much he lover her and now it was too late. Owen had never cried this much in his life, his tears seemed to be endless.

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