Wrong place, Right time

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This story is about the kiss in Jurassic world but then from Claire's POV and it's more detailed. Just some fluff I came up with while watching Jurassic world again.


Claire's POV
I saw my two nephews running towards me, followed by a hungry pteranodon. "Aunt Claire!", Gray, the youngest one, screamed. "No don't-!", Owen shouted next to me but he got cut off by a dimorphodon who attacked him from behind. I gasped and picked up the gun Owen dropped. I had to save him, he was the love of my life after all. I knocked the small flying dinosaur off him with the end of the gun. I smiled down at him and offered him my hand. He took it and got back on his feet. "Thank you.", he muttered when I gave him back his gun. I wanted to say something but before I could even open my mouth, his lips pressed against mine. I gasped into the kiss but kissed him back. I missed him so much.. My right hand rested on his chest, while his was on my lower back. His arm around my waist. It fitted so perfectly around it.

While our lips brushed against each other, I totally forgot everything around me. It was just us living this moment, a moment I will never forget. A slight disappointed feeling filled my mind when I felt Owen pulling back his lips, breaking our kiss. I wished we could kiss longer but we couldn't, people were dying around us. We had to save them. I didn't notice my nephews staring until now. Of course they would stare at their aunt kissing some random guy. I ran over to them with tears in my eyes. "Zach! Gray!", I shouted. "Are you okay? Where did you go? Why didn't you come back?", I was so concerned. "Who's that?", Zach interrupted me and nodded at Owen who was standing behind me. I turned my head to Owen and then back at my nephew. He was the love of my life. That's who he was. But I couldn't tell them that. I didn't even knew what me and Owen were. Why did he even kiss me? "We work together..", I answered. "Come on we got to go.", Owen said. I nodded and we left.

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