Choatic Family

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This is basically about Claire and Owen taking their 6 year old daughter, Hazel, to work because it's take your kids to work day. (Which was of course Simon's idea)


"Mommy!" A little redheaded girl squealed as she ran into her mom's office with a big wide smile on her freckled cheeks. Hazel was Claire and Owen's daughter. She was only 6 years old and was almost an exact copy of her mother, just the smaller version. She did have her dad's goofy but brave personality though. "Hey there my adorable little cupcake." Claire lifted her daughter up in the air and peppered her face with hundreds of kisses. "Daddy is taking me to the raptors today!" Hazel bounced on her mom's leg excitedly. She had been dying to meet them ever since her dad told her about them but Claire wanted to wait until she was a bit older each time she asked if she could meet them, today it was finally time. "That's so awesome, sweetheart." Claire smiled at the little girl and planted yet another kiss on the kid's head. Owen, who had been standing at the doorframe the entire time, finally walked up to his two girls with a proud smile. "Yes that's right, muffin. You're going to meet your big sisters." He gently ruffled her gorgeous red hair, slightly messing it up before greeting his precious girlfriend with a deep kiss on the lips. "Ew! Gross!" Their daughter pulled a disgusted face and covered her eyes, causing both adults to laugh.

"Have you eaten today?" Owen asked Claire with a soft voice although there was a worried undertone. He knew she sometimes tend to forget to eat because of her work. "Yeah, Zara brought me something earlier today." The redhead replied, sending him a reassuring smile. "Good." He nodded shortly and turned to Hazel again. "Ready to meet the raptors, lil' nugget?" He asked and picked her up. The little girl giggled and hid her face in her dad's chest. "Yes!" She answered full of excitement. "We'll meet you at lunch, 'kay?" Claire gave him a small nod in response. "See you later, babe." He bend over to give her a swift kiss on the cheek. "Bye, have fun and be careful. I love you both." She waved her daughter and boyfriend goodbye. Owen tossed Hazel's backpack over one shoulder while carrying Hazel on the other. "We love you too." He said before disappearing into the hallway with the kid.

The morning went by fast and before Claire could even realize, it was lunch time. She went to the cafeteria where she met up with Hazel and Owen. Her daughter was still full of energy just like this morning. Sometimes Claire really wondered how kids could have so much energy. "Mommy! Mommy! Daddy let me feed the raptors! And—And I know all their names!" The little girl rattled with a big proud smile across her tiny pink-reddish lips. "Sounds like you had a lot of fun.", Claire was happy to see her daughter had a good time with her dad. "Why don't you give mommy the surprise you made for her, hm?" Owen gently squeezed their daughter's shoulder and handed her the pink unicorn backpack he had been carrying around for her. She nodded and dug into backpack, then pulled out a piece of paper and gave it to Claire. "Look, it's our family. Me, daddy, the raptors and you." The proud smile from earlier reappeared on her face as she pointed at each of the colourful drawn figures. Claire stared at the scribbles with a smile. She couldn't exactly see the shapes in it but the colours were nearly right and with a little help of her own imagination she could make something out of it. "It's beautiful, sweetheart." She kneeled down and hugged Hazel. "I love you, baby." Claire muttered. "Love you too mommy." Her daughter replied, hugging her mom tight.

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