Chapter 9 First then last

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When I got back to my parents dorm room I was exhausted. My parents had other ideas. As soon as I stepped in, the room exploded with noise.

"Welcome home!!!!!!"

My parents were dressed up in a weird assortment of pj's and party hats. Ok clear sign they want to party. Then I could go to bed. We spent the next three hours playing board games and talking. I didn't know how to tell them I'd be leaving so soon. The walls were decorated with pictures of me as a baby. Turns out my parents had powers as well. My mom could read thoughts and my dad could teleport. Turns out some kid could time travel so my parents had asked him to go back and take pictures of me. Also my dad had told me he had managed to get a few pictures of some things that might help on the missions.things such as some maps of their research facilities. When we went to bed I slept restlessly. I kept thinking of how I was going to tell them I was leaving. In the morning I woke to the sound of laughing. I sat up blinking the sleep out of my eyes. Then I realized there was a little kid staring intently at me. I scooted backwards "hi." I said uncertainty.

"Pretty lady." her voice was quiet and fragile. I flinched as she reached out a hand and touched my black hair. "Pretty lady." She repeated.

"Mom." I called. There's a kid in my room."

"There's a what in your room?"

"A kid!

"A what?"

"A little kid!"


My mom walked in. "Oh thats Jay. Treho experimented on her so much she hardly ever talks or lets anyone touch her. I'm surprised she likes you."

She walked over and tried to pick Jay up but as soon as she touched her Jay screeched and grabbed onto my hand refusing to let go. My mom let go and Jay stopped screaming. She stared at me with big intelligent eyes and said one word "safe". Gradually she stopped relaxed and was soon fast asleep. I looked up at my mom and raised an eyebrow. "That was... unexpected. How did she get in my room?"

"She can teleport, hypnotize, turn invisible, and phase through things."

"So in other words you can't stop her from invading my privacy."

"Pretty much."

"Great, just great."

I sat on my bed for a good chunk of half an hour. Finally she stirred. She sat up and blinked. Then she looked at me and said, "mommy?"

Crikey now she thinks I'm her mom.

"No." I said patiently. I pointed at my chest. "I'm Shade."

"Sissy then?"

"No I'm Shade."




I raised my hands in exasperation. "Fine! Whatever."

"Yay! I have a sissy!"

She hugged me and gave me the biggest smile.

"Let's go eat breakfast." I said. She nodded and held my hand while we headed down stairs.

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