The man with two heads

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I ran as if my life was dependent on it heading towards Lilly's house. When I got there, Lillly threw open the door. "Shade!" " thank goodness you're alright! I saw the smoke!" She hugged me, crying with relief. "I thought you were dead, you idiot. What happened?"

"I don't know, I got home and it was in flames. My step mom said someone was after me."

Lilly gasped. "Is it because of your powers?" she asked.

"I think so."

The phone rang. Lilly walked over and picked it up. "Who is it?" she asked.

There was a pause then a deep voice said " we have a message for Shade We're coming for you."

A deep throated laugh escaped the phone.

I yelled "who is this? What do you want from me?! What did you do to My mom?!"

The deep throated laugh came out again. "We want you. And you will find out who we are soon enough my precise lab rat" They hung up.

"I have to go." I picked up my jacket but Lilly grabbed my arm.

"No Shade, it's too dangerous!"

"I have to, I can't put you in danger."

"If you go ,I'm coming too."

"No Lilly I can't lose you, too. I've already lost too much" I knew it was useless to argue, Lilly never takes no for an answer and she had a determined look in her eyes. "Fine" I muttered. "We need a ride."

"Ooo we can ask James!"


"Ya he's perfect! He once told me he would do anything for you!"

"He said what?!" I asked, startled.

"The point is, he's got a really fast car, trust me."

"Ok fine..."

When we got there, James answered the door. "Yes?"

"We need to talk James, please."

"Ok come in." He told us we could talk in his room. "What happened?" he asked.I told him we needed a ride. "Ok what for?"

"We'll tell you on the way."

"What about what I saw in the gym?"

"I'll explain on the way."

"Where do you need to go?"

"As far away as possible."

"What about my house and my stuff?"

"I'll grow you whatever you want, just get us out of the state."

"Ok lets go."

During the ride, I explained everything to him. My powers, my dreams, the phone call, and what happened to my house. James was silent for a long while. He asked, "do you know who's after you?"

"No, but I'm pretty sure it has something to do with my powers." Another long silence. "I'm tired, I think I'll take a nap."

While I was asleep, James and Lily had a conversation.

"I'm worried about Shade, Lilly started.

"How long have you known about what she can do?" Lily looked back at Shade.

"Since we first met. Shade's always been a tough girl, but she's had the hardest life ever. Her step parents used to beat her when she was little. I always let her come to my house to get away."

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