Chapter 1 The Message

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I'm Shade Tefeka, I'm 15 years old and right from the start I knew I was strange. I am an adopted foster child living with one of the wealthiest family around, but they basically try to make it so I don't exist anymore. Once my stepmom tried to drown me at a pool but she insisted it was an accident. Basically, they hate me because I'm different and they think I'm a nuisance and a waste of space and time. They hate using money on me. But that's because they don't know my secret. If they did, they would try to make me make them even richer. It's like they want to rule the world. I can make anything grow out of the earth. I first found out about it when I was 3 and my step mom 'forgot' to feed me. She's tried to starve me more than once. I ended up growing a milk bottle filled with formula out of the wooden part of my crib. Since I was four I have had the strangest dreams I'm in a huge building like a hospital by the sea side and out of nowhere a massive explosion fills my head and I wake up in a cold sweat not remembering anything.

The day started like any other but I had no idea that my life was about to be turned upside-down. I woke up and started getting ready for school. I grew myself my usual breakfast cocoa pebbles with a banana and got my stuff ready. As I was walking out the door my step mom yelled out "Shade make sure you take out the garbage and when you get home I want you to clean my room and the kitchen." Like I said they hate me. On my way to school I met up with my best friend Lily Shreda. " Shade! Shade, wait up." She was panting. "Hi, Shade ready for school?" As ready as I'll ever be I thought to myself. Another day putting up with Tommy Fleece the class bully, aka class idiot.

"What's your first period?" Lilly asked.


"Ooooo at least it's somewhat interesting. We're learning about the Navajo indians."

That's what I love about Lilly, she always looks on the bright side.

"Let's get going, I don't want to be late again."


On our way to school we passed the Necklaces, the family that lives in my neighborhood. They're probably the only family who doesn't hate me. Their kids love it when I babysit them. Their pet malamute barked and ran at us. Her name is Fecena. She barked excitedly and ran circles around us.

"Hey girl" I said, laughing at how many times the dog was stepping on Lillys feet, "How are you?"

She's a sweet dog her favorite thing to do is try to eat their old grumpy cat. I've known Fecena since she was a puppy hard to believe how tiny she used to be so small. "Sorry girl we have to get going but I'll bring you something to chew on when I come by next time, maybe it'll be Tommys head. see you later." I patted her head and kept going.

When we got to school I said "see you at lunch Lilly." When I got to history I said hi to Ms Celio.

"Hi Ms Celio."

"Hi Shade, you can take that seat over there by Tommy, please try to make him behave. The principal is getting tired of seeing him. "


I walked over to my seat and sat down. Tommy leaned forward and whispered "hey Shade see your parents lately? Oh I forgot you don't have any." He laughed stupidly. I almost lost it and grew a rattle snake to bite him but I reinde in my anger. James leaned forward and said " hey Tommy shut up and leave Shade alone before I pulverize you."

James is a really big eleventh grader that's always trying to stand up for me. Lilly thinks he has a crush on me. How embarrassing is that! I got so annoyed with Tommy while he was standing up arguing with Jack, that I made hot glew grow out of his chair and he sat down hard on it.

Ms Celio had been watching the entire time

"Tommy!" Shouted Ms Celio "leave Shade alone or you'll get detention for a month."

Tommy scowled. " Yes Ms Celio."

said Tommy. He shot James a look of absolute hatred then sat back down completely oblivious to the glew on his chair.

During lunch I sat with Lilly and under the table I sneakily grew out my lunch. Lilly is the only one who knows about my powers and she thinks it's the coolest thing in the world. She keeps begging for a pet unicorn. I always make sure to grow my food where no one can see me. Lilly had her usual pb and j with a cookie and milk. I always had the same as her. After lunch we headed down to the gym for PE. We ran our laps then suddenly a pain shot through my head it felt like my energy was being slowly drained away. I looked towards the doors and saw a shadow standing in the doorway but as soon as it appeared it vanished. I staggered, and Lilly caught me. "Shade what's wrong?"

"I'm fine." I muttered "It's just a headache. Lets go." We headed toward the bleachers. Lilly and I sat down while I grew a snack but just then James looked towards us and saw me doing it. His eyes widened. He turned but the damage was done.

"Shit!" I muttered

For the rest of the day me and Lilly kept looking around. When it was time to go home, James ran after us.

"Shade wait up!" he said.

"You go ahead Lilly, I'll catch up with you" I said as I turned to James. She looked uncertain but she did what I asked "Yes?"

"Shade how did you do that?"

"Do what?"

"That thing with the food that was totally awesome!"

"...Meet me at my house and i'll explain everything."

I headed towards my house but when I got to where I could barely see it I knew something was very wrong. The entire thing was in smoking ruins. Fire trucks and police cars were crowded around. I ran towards it ignoring the warning cries of the cops. Inside, the place was totally obliterated. In my step mom's room I found her almost dead lying on the ground. "Mom!" I cried out. After all she had done to me you're probably wondering why I cared but It hadn't occurred to me that she wasn't even my biological mother.

"Shade, run they're coming for you!" she screamed.

"Mom, no!" I grabbed her shoulders. "What happened"

She gripped my hand and stared deep into my eyes. "You have to leave Shade."

"No I can't just leave you!" I argued.

"Listen Shade, they will not rest until they find you." A tear traced her cheek but she had a determined look in her eyes. "Go."

"Who? Who is after me?"

"The ones who gave you your gifts."

I looked shocked. "How did you know?!"

She gave a bitter laugh. "How could I not? I worked there."

Her hand went limp and she was gone. My eyes were dark and filled with rage. I swore right then and there that if I ever found her killers they would suffer the most painful death possible

I jumped out the window and ran and hit the ground running, but through the corner of my eyes I saw shadows. I ran leaving the smoldering remains of my home behind me.

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