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The gunshot seemed louder than the last one. It made my hand bounce lightly as the bullet flew into the sky, towards the moon. I lower the gun, exhaling sharply. Another sob makes my shoulders shake and my vision is too blurry to see. I fold my knees to my chest, wrapping my arms around them.

I'm alone. Again.

In the night, I lay down in the soft grass, folding the hospital gown over my knees for warmth. I close my eyes and listen to my heart drumming in my ears as it slows itself down while I drift off to sleep.


The sun shines through my eyelids, warming my skin. I crack open my eyes, shading them with a hand.

I sit up, rubbing my eyes. I've got a giant headache from yesterday's fight, but I'll pull through.

I look around me at my surroundings. I can sort of see a city in the distance, but nothing well. There's still no one in sight.

I pick up the gun beside me and start toward the city, the bright sun beating down on my. Where I lived, it was never this hot. So where am I?

Grass slides between my toes as I step and it feels... pretty nice. I like freedom.

I unfold the paper in my hand again, which had stayed while I slept. It had numbers and a name on it. 177A Bleeker St.

I follow the invisible trail to the city, finding random things around me to occupy my mind, maybe think about what may be there, at 177A Bleeker St.

The city draws nearer, as does the sun, which told me it was about 11 am. From where I was to where I am, I estimate I've got about six hours.

*six hours later*

So I was wrong. It happens. No ones perfect. Maybe a few more hours, but it's definitely a big city.

*however much more time it takes for our readers character to walk the rest of the way idfk*

The streets are crowded with many people and I'm definitely getting uncomfortable stares. I mean, I can't blame them. I do still have the gun. And a hospital gown. And haven't showered in forever.

"Girl! Girl!"

I look around for who could be yelling out. There are so many girls around.

But none of them look like my girl.

"You! Over there!"

Over where?

My shoulder is gripped and I'm thrown aside, my head slamming into a wall. I try to look around for what the hell just happened but I don't see anyone in my general area.

I hold the empty gun threateningly, whipping my head around. I've got a splitting headache now, thanks to whoever decided it was a good idea to mess with me.

Orange sparks fly in a circle beneath my feet. I can't find it in me to step out of it, but I should've. The ground beneath me seems to disappear and I fall through.

Before I can process a cry out, I hit the ground, falling onto my back. I slide my arm under me to help myself to my feet and look around.


A man literally appears in front of me, walking through a circle that came from somewhere else. I mean, around me are bookshelves, he just came out of... of...

This creeps got some wizard shit going on, a green orb and a white whisp of hair. He just needs a long pointy hat and a staff. I must've hit my head harder than I've thought.

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