small update on why this fic has not been touched in 100 years

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Hey, guys.

I wrote this fic at the ages around 10-12. im now 14.

so let me say this is the most god awful garbage writing of mine that i can find. other than my other fics on here, which are equally as bad

i get gmail notifications for comments on this fic fucking CONSTANTLY and everytime i do so i want to promptly pass out and then die. 

im telling you its so fucking bad that i cant even read what is in here because i will CRY.

and every single time i check on the views it gets WORSE. btw thank u wattpad for making this piece of shit semi-wattpad-famous.

so basically, i will never edit this fic and never update it again. it is genuinely bad and so far past saving. i want to apologize for subjecting anyone who has read this far to this.

"well, why dont you just delete it?"

okay so the reason im leaving it up is i know I get upset when i go back and i cant find all the bad fanfics i read when i was 9. so i will leave it up for the sake of the fact that most of you are probably children (to have read this fic this far) and i wont take this fic from you if you genuinely enjoy it (even though it causes me infinite pain.)

so uhh have fun children. i hope to never see this hell of a site ever again <3

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