2 /// Some spell /// fluff

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Male reader
y/n's pov

I wandered around in the dim light from the lanterns of the marketplace i was walking through, not sure of where i was going.

I just needed something right now, not sure what, but something called to me this way, so i followed.

The weight of my backpack felt heavy, weighing me down.

"Hey, you look tired, do you want some pumpkin bread?" someone called out, i glanced to my right, it was a baker, holding a piece of pumpkin bread out with a warm smile.
"Oh uh, sorry i dont have any money." i say, declining the offer.
"No worries! Its free, you look hungry anyways!" i turn towards him, walking towards his booth
i hand out my hand hesitantly.
"Are you sure?" i say, but he silently insists, placing the warm bread in my hands. Is this all that called me? Not that i could complain, i haven't eaten in forever.

I smile at him warmly before walking over to a nearby table for two, I unwrap the bread as i hear a shop doorbell ring behind me.

"Hey asra, pumpkin bread?" The baker calls out, the figure looks like he's about to decline, until he makes quick eyecontact with me.

It was only a few milliseconds, but it was enough to make my heart leap into my throat.

He had bleach white fluffy hair, which looked soft, it shined in the light of the booth along with his cheekbones.
His soft lips parted in curiousity for a quick minute, before swallowing and walking up to accept the bread.

"That sounds great right now actually, you're the best." he says, taking the bread with a smile, walking over to my table.

So this is what called me.

He takes the seat infront of me, looking at me with curiousity, before holding his hand out for me to shake with a smile.
"My name is asra, what about you?"
"oh uh-"
i take his hand and shake it.
"y/n, y/n l/n"
i reply, trying to avoid being awkward but i was already overthinking the past few seconds.
"Hey, theres no need to be nervous, i just thought you looked a little tired and might want to chat with someone, im not going to kidnap you or anything." he says with a small laugh, which makes my heart skip a beat.

oh boy, that was so Not why i was nervous.

despite that, i pull myself together.

"So uh, why are you at the marketplace so late?" He asks curiously, while taking a small piece of the bread and placing in his mouth.

"Oh uh, i just wandered over here i guess, my parents kicked me out." i reply, scratching the back of my neck and taking a bite of the bread, which tasted amasing.

"Oh im sorry.. do you mind me asking why?" he asks sympathetically.

"Dont be, and uh.."
I try to come up with a believable lie but nothing came to mind.
"I guess i have to tell you, uh, im.. gay and uh, my parents are homophobic."
i mumble quietly.

"Aw god what jerks, how could they kick someone like you out?! I happen to be gay aswell, i cant even imagine that." he says, sitting back, angry, but at the same time trying to think about what he would even do in that situation.

I feel a tint of pink find its way to my cheeks, which only gets darker once he mentions his sexuality.

"Hey, uh, i know we like, just met, but if you have nowhere to go, you could stay with me for a while. i- uh, i need a apprentice anyway" he says, looking away, a shade of pink finding his cheeks aswell.

"actually? Uh, you dont have to but, if you really want too.." i mumble the last little bit awkwardly.

"Really? Come on then, lets go!" He says, practically jumping from his seat as he grabs my hand, yanking me up from my chair and dragging me to his shop as he skips along the pavement.

He places one of his hands on the door handle, about to turn it, but he turns back to me first.

"-By the way, you're Really cute." he says, and i feel myself flush as he opens the door and leads me into his shop.

3rd person pov

He was sure this was only a spell but the damage had been done; he was in love.

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