Your what?!

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Y/n grumbled at the thought of having to explain everything from the top. "Yo this to much bruh, I rather be executed." She said rolling her eyes. "This isn't a joke; if you don't tell me exactly what's going on you'll be killed."   Huffed Miruko.

Y/n wasn't convinced, but then something clicked in her head. She couldn't be killed. What happens to her baby? Not a single person here is on her side and she has two woman willing to listen right here.

Nobody here knows she's pregnant. If she dies so does this child, but she doesn't even know the gender, miss out on so much. Never get to have this child.  And that was a sacrifice she wasn't willing to make. "Ight, fine. But if I talk you needa guarantee our safety." Y/n said quietly.

"Our?" Miruko and Midnight asked in unison. "Das going to be explained too. Now listen cause I ain't saying this shit again." Y/n finished looking away, ashamed to speak of this story about how she fell so hard for a dirty cheater.

"Sit down." She continued. Both the female pro's took a seat on two chairs from the corner of the dirty brutality interrogation room.

"Ight, here we go."

(Comment right here and tell me if y'all want me to write chapter explaining how y'all fell for hawks leading up to the pregnancy. Cause I ain't gone get pointlessly write that shit.)

"Your pregnant?!" They both questioned loudly jumping out of their seats. "WELL. That IS what I said.." said Y/n giving them both dumb expressions that said 'really nigga?'

"Wait wait, so your telling me you were actually dating hawks, and he was the one who cheated and made you go ballistic or whateva," mirko asked. "Yeah." Replied Y/n. "So let me recap just to make sure I got this bs right. You and Hawks were a thing, hawks repeatedly cheated on you with a racist woman several times in your home in your bed, and that's the reason you shot them unintentionally killing the woman in a fit of anger" asked mirko looking at oY/n.

Y/n simply nodded.
"After shooting the woman dead and leaving hawks injured you were in a fit of panic unable to teleport properly at the moment due to your scrambled thoughts?" Continued Midnight.

Y/n nodded again. "Your possession of a deadly weapon is what hawks used his emergency necklace for when he called midnight and the other pro hero, leading the heroes at your door to believe you were just an irrelevant Yandere that hawks had never formally met?" Mirko proceeded.

"Yes." Y/n replied. "Except midnight knew we were together, and a few other pro heroes I think. Overall we kept our lil relationship private for the most part." She finished.
Mirko looked over to midnight for verification who only replied with a reassuring nod.
"Let's not forget the part where he lied to the world about how it went down so he could protect his image." Y/n spoke again.

Both the women nodded in understanding as they're eyes trailed down to Y/n's stomach only then noticing her growing baby bump. It looked so natural, you couldn't exactly see it unless you looked for it or purposely payed direct attention to her.

Sorry for the long wait loves but it's here, maybe you'll get to see Dabi next chapter who knows. 👀
-Bakubabezz Monday June 2nd 2:19 AM

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