moving along

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Over the past couple of weeks things have been normal for us. Well as normal as you can get with three men wanting you everytime you walk by them.

Actually Daryl and have gotten closer... I really didn't think we could get any closer. Things at work are going really good. We have hired another PA seeing how I will be getting my MBA next week. Of course with the help of my handsome professor. I will be made partner also. Sometimes it all still feels like a dream.

My mother has moved out of the guest house but Ethan stayed. I don't mind him being around. He has taken over the job my mother was originally hired for. He now also has a cute little boyfriend, Edward. He is my age... I think I actually went to school with him. Ethan respects Daryl's relationship with Gabe and Cayden.

When I woke up this morning of course my bed was empty. It don't bother me anymore because Daryl likes to let me sleep in. He said he don't like my grumpy pants ass when I don't enough sleep. When I was in the shower I got company. I was washing my hair when he took over. I swear my big bad wolf is so amazing.

After he rinsed my hair he asked me if he could make me come... Well hell I am not gonna say no to that. He bent me over pulling me closer as he entered. Fuck man he filled me completely up. He reached around and rubbed my clit just how I like. It was long before I was jerking back to his chest as I came. I was expecting him to finish his self but after I finished he pulled out and continued to bathe me.

" Baby, you didn't finish" I said looking back at him.

"Baby I don't always have to... I wanted to please you." Saying then pressed his lips to mine.
God I love this man...

As I was leaving for work I noticed a moving van pull in. I didn't think much of it maybe Gabe had more stuff coming.

I got to the office and stopped to see my bestie and uncle Richie...I only call him that to aggravate Kay.

"Hey Hell... How do you always come to work smiling?"

"Hmmm it's a secret I'll never tell."
I noticed something a little off about her and Rich was not in the office.

" Kay where is Richie?"

"We had an argument this morning...he went to get me a coffee... To kiss my ass."

I didn't want to push to much. If she wants me to know then she will text me or whatever.

"Well I am going to meet the new me later."

I went straight to Daryl's office. As I opened the door I saw a taller blonde leaning on his desk in a way that will get her smacked.

She turned to me....
"Mr. Harris will be right with if you can wait out in the hall."

" Hmmm really"
Daryl looked at me and he knew I was not happy.

" Connie please meet..."
I cut him off...

" Connie huh... Nice to meet you I'm Mrs. Bella Harris.... Daryl's wife." I smiled and held my hand out to her. Her eyes widened as she turned completely around to me. Taking my hand. I pulled her closer to me...
" If you want to keep your job... I suggest you keep your eyes off of my husband."

As I let go of her hand Cayden walked in.
"Oh....and that one too..."

I walked to Daryl giving him a kiss.
"Hmm someone is in a good mood"

I took a file off of Daryl's desk and told Connie to fax it to Cole Wilson. Cayden smiled at me...
" Precious I could of just taken it to my dad you know."
"Yeah but looks like she needs something to keep her busy"  I can already tell I am going to have trouble with this bitch.

" You done already?" Daryl asked Cayden.... Hmm done with what?

" Yeah, Gabe helped before he helped someone else this morning..." Cayden said making me turn redder than a cherry.

"Hmmm princess... No wonder you are in a good mood." Daddy said as he pinched my butt.

I still didn't know what they was talking about but I have learned not to ask to many questions...I get myself in trouble.

I walked out to go to my office and Connie stopped me.

"Mrs. Harris I want to apologize about my behavior in there. I thought you was a client."

"Just don't do it again." I suppose I didn't need to sound so rude but I know I have 3 gorgeous men and with daddy being who he is I have to stand my ground. Not like he would cheat or anything.

As I finished up my work for the day and was heading out Ryan was fixing to knock on my door. It was good to see him. He looked troubled.

I told him to have a seat. He just wanted someone to talk to about the being a sub thing. It is all new to him. He reminds me of Daryl now that I know more about him. Ryan was always use to being kind of a dominant one.

We walked out together to my car . As we got closer we noticed something on the hood. A dozen of roses....

My precious little one ... Can't wait to see you at home ....

I knew they was from Cayden.

" Bella Candi is so happy that her big brother found you. She says he has changed since he has been with you."

" He makes me happy Ryan... I have seen the change. I love him."

He gave me a hug and I left. On my way home I thought about the card " Can't wait to see you at home.."

What did he mean...

As I pulled in the garage was empty so I could park my car in there.

I walked in to Ethan and Edward cooking dinner. Gosh they are so cute.

" Miss Bella Daryl wants you to come to the room"

Unbuttoning my blouse I walk in and find all three of my men smiling at me.

Cayden grabbed me
"Welcome home"
And lead me to another room.... He moved in.... I was so happy.

Wow two updates in one day.... Go me....

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