coming together

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It wasn't long before my princess fell asleep in my arms. I laid with her for a while just staring at her. I remembered the first day I ever laid eyes on here. She was so sweet and innocent. I want to hate myself for taking that away from her but I can't. I couldn't picture her with another man...other than Gabe.....
Until Cayden came along.

When I walked in that conference room and watched her smile at him. It was like he was to only man for her. I wanted to kill him with my own bare hands. I am glad I didn't now. I have developed very strong feelings for him.

When it came to Gabe...I knew from the beginning that he wanted me to happy. 

I slowly slid out of bed and walked down stairs. The guys should be here in an hour or so. I know I need to talk to them about how Bella feels. It broke my heart she feels so alone. I thought that we made her feel like we were her family. Maybe we have just had shitty way of showing her. At let's I know I did.


Gabe: Leaving the club now...picking up Cayden should be there in about 20.

Me: ok good.

Hopefully I will be able to talk to them before my princess wakes up.

I went to the kitchen and grabbed a beer. I sat down watching Ethan and Eddie. Sometimes it is weird for me to watch him with another man. At one point of my life he was my everything.

" So you think it's gonna work?" Ethan said as leaned on the counter across from me. I looked up at him a little confused.
" The dinner dumb think they will come home?"

" I don't know...I hope so. It's not just her I miss."

" Daryl I have known you for a long time and well...we have a long past... I have never seen you like this"

" I'm all fucked up man....I thought I would be ok. I'm not. Bella has been my world, when you and Laura left she was all I had until Gabe. He help take away the pain you two caused and the shit I was going through over my princess. I thought I had it all with just the two of them. But then Cayden's persistence ass came walking into my world."

Ethan just shook his head.

I heard Gabe's truck pull up. For some fucking odd reason my stomach knotted up.
I grabbed my beer and walked to the front door. I watched as Gabe and Cayden both climbed out of the truck. The two of them make me look like a fucking string bean. Both body's build like sex gods.

" Hey guys...Bella is asleep... I need to talk to y'all alone." I say as they walked up. Both look at me like they wanna kill me....I do not blame them at all.

" Bella ok?" Gabe asked with worry in his voice.

" Yeah...let's go out back." I say as I turned around and headed to the back patio.

We all sat at the patio table I asked if they wanted a beer. I guess Eddie can read my mind he brought out three beers and went right back inside.

Reading their body language I could tell neither of them wanted to be here. The only reason they were was for Bella.

" Bella has been really sick today..." I start saying...

" Yeah momma told me about this's new she hasn't really had morning sickness." Cayden said before he took a sip of his beer.

Gabe just sat there.

" When we was at the mall she got sick again...and she kind of broke down." I know they are gonna blame is really my fault.

Submitting to Them✅ ( #4- A Spin-Off)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant