the press conference

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I stood in the huge window of Isabella's office and watched the crowd form larger and larger. My stomach is in knots but Rich and I have came up with a plan that hopefully will work.

I lost the three people that I love in one night. One night that should have never happened.

" Hey almost ready? Everyone is here and Mrs Wilson already called Cayden and Gabe."
Rich said standing in the door way.
I turned to him and nodded.

I noticed his little hot Was standing behind him. Kay hates me so much for hurting her best friend. Her and Rich found out last week that she is expecting also. She hasn't even got to tell Isabella about it because of me.

When I walked into the conference room where the Wilson's and Anderson's were sitting my heart hurt even more. Cayden's mother showed the hurt in her face as she looked up at me. I hurt her son just as much as I hurt Isabella. She stood up and walked to me. For some odd reason I felt like she was my mother the way she placed her hand on my shoulder..
" Can I talk to you alone for a moment?" She asked. Her voice was calming.

We stepped out into the hallway and she began....

" I had a conversation with isabella, Daryl she loves you so much. I believe in my heart she wants to forgive you but you have to give her a reason to. You need to show her that you love her."

" I don't know how Mrs Wilson...she can't even stand to be in the same room as me." I tell her.

" She is young baby, she is scared." She gave me a hug...
" Now let's go and get this over we can have a good dinner tonight."

One by one we all made our way down to the front of the building. I was looking around for Gabe Cayden and Isabella. I didn't see them anywhere.

A few minutes later Matthew let me know that they were here and coming in to the building now. My stomach knotted up I felt sick. I pray this will hopefully work.

I saw Gabe first he was handsome in his suit and tie, his hair pulled back into a bun and his sunglasses on his head. Then Cayden he had his arm wrapped around Isabella. She was wearing one of my favorite dresses with her hair down. I noticed that her dress was a little tighter around her belly. It was like she grew a baby bump over night. The smile she wore made me have hope.

I felt like I was an outsider watching a true love story between the three of them. My heart ached I wanted to be part of it.

Rich came to me and said that everything was ready and we needed to head outside.

Well here goes nothing but yet everything.....

Rich addressed the reporters first....

" Good afternoon... Daryl Harris has arranged to answer your question but he first will be making a statement.. please hold all questions until he is done." He walked away from the podium. That was my que....

I stood there looking around at all the faces and looked back at all of the people standing behind me.... My family...our family.

" Good you all know a couple of weeks ago I was video in a very compromising position that involved a woman from my past. At the time she was mine and Isabella Walkins PA. We have recently discovered that she had been planning to ruin not only my name but my future wife's.
With the help of my friends and family there was something new that has been brought to our attention. After being tested by blood and hair samples.... Over the matter of 3 weeks I had been given a drug. In small amounts each day."
I heard my princess behind me closer than I thought.
" My life has been flipped upside down over what has happened. I still take some blame in the event that led us here today. I hope that my family will be able to forgive me I know I made mistakes."
A small arm wrapped around my waist. I looked and it was Isabella. I felt someone standing behind me also. When I turned there stood both Gabe and Cayden. I hope this means what I think it means.

I was mentally getting ready for the questions I was about to be asked...

The first question caught me off guard.... So my princess answered it.

" Mr Harris ....has the wedding been called off?" Isabella stood tall and tighten her grip around me.

" No the wedding has not been called off we are still planning it. We do have a date but with us finding out that our little angel will be here sooner then later it more and likely will be moved up to a sooner date."
My heart sang.... She still loves me.

" This is the first we have heard of the long have you known Mr Harris?" A small woman asked

" We found out right after a began planning the wedding..." I answered happily

I turned to Cayden and Gabe both wore a smile. It was like we knew that the question was going to be asked....

" Who are the men standing behind you Miss Walkins?" She let go of my waist and turned to them. They both nodded giving her permission.

" This is Cayden Wilson the son of the gentlemen that own Wilson construction and This is Gabriel Henderson the co owner of Club Masquerade. They are both mine and Daryl's life partners."

The questions came left and right. Isabella and I answered them the best we could. With the Wilson's and Anderson's standing behind us I felt we could face the world together.

Rich let me know that it was time to end the conference.

Everyone headed to the Wilson's and left the four of us in the office.

" Why didn't you tell us about the drugs Daryl?" Cayden asked me the look on his face let me know he was worried about me.

" I just found out yesterday for sure... Rich and Kay have been working very hard with me to figure this out. No matter if I was drugged or not I still messed up..." I watched Isabella as I spoke. Her face was blank.

" I don't expect for things to go back the way it was before my fuck up but I really hope that the three of you at least let me have a chance to prove that I am sorry. Princess....I hope one day you will be able to forgive me."

She looked at me and tears started rolling down her beautiful chubby cheeks.

" It's going to be hard Daryl but I will try we have a family and you of all people know what having a family means to me. I never had one growing up until you..."

I went and knelt in front of her wiping the tears away..  
" Baby, I promise that I will prove to you everyday for the rest of my life that our family means the world to me.... Without the three of you I felt like dying everyday. Your little friend Miss Kay wouldn't let me. She hates me for what I did but she would not let give up on our love. She is almost as amazing as you are....I can see why she is your best friend." Isabella smiled though the tears.
" Oh and speaking of Kay I do believe that you guys need to have a girl's day soon ....very soon."

We all talked a little more about things. Isabella is not ready to come home yet and I don't blame her. We decided that we will take thing slowly until she and the guys feel it's time.

When we got to the Wilson's I felt like I really had a family that cared. A family that loved me. Maybe it's time for me to reach out to my own mother.

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