Seven | neveS

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Seven | neveS

I jump up in bed. what just happened? i look around me, and im in the hospital. i look at the clock on the wall

2:00 ocklock.

That dream, was it real? Did that actually happen. it felt SO real. honestly these sudden flash backs are creeping me out. My mind is about to fucking explode

.i really needed air so i got up changed into my clothes that were lying on the chair next to my bed and made my way out of that prison cell. I know we arn't allowed to leave but i couldnt take this. It felt like i was choking. Plus no one notice me leave so i guess it was fine.

i made it out the double doors. and looked around. i made my way to a near by Starbucks, just across the street. luckily i had a few bucks in my pocket so i bought my self a cup of coffee and sat down in a seat outside with a loud sigh.

what the hell is happening to my life?

i just sat there. thinking about my life. just starring out at the world, people walking by me. families laughing together. couples holding hands or kissing. it suddenly made me depreessed.

a good looking man takes a seat at the table next to me and starts to smoke.

ive never really been the person to smoke, but this guy was like rubbing it all in my face. he was probably around 19 or 20. he noticed me starring and send a warm smile my way. he dug into his pocket and brought out a lighter and held out a cigarette over to me.

why not i thought i got up and took it from him plopping it into my mouth while he lit it up for me.

"thanks' i tell him

"no problem, you looked pretty stressed thought it might help. you ever smoke before?' he askes me kindly.


"good, you shouldn't." whos he to tell me what to do.

"um no offence pretty boy, but i dont take orders from strangers." i offer him a smile.

he laughs, "the names Joey, but i was just saying its not good. girls like you shouldnt get hooked on bad stuff." then he winks at me.

ok. that was werid.

understanding what hes trying to say i join in on the laugh,

"well girls like me like to take risks. OH didnt see that coming from a girl like me huh?" i tell him sarcastically.

he holds his hands up in surender.

i just laugh and continue smoking. it was quiet nice outside. not to hot and not to cold y'kow?

"you new around here?" he askes me.

"no, lived here all my life. you?"

"nope im not new.

we both fell silent after that. i just continued drinking my coffee.

"are you ok?" he askes out of no where.

"just peach. i was just in the hospital." his eyes grew wide at that.

"what happ--"

"car accident," i say before he could finish his sentence.

"ahhh, you okay?'

"i said i was fine." i really hate repeating myself. im fine why cant people just understand that. yah i may have just found out my mother is dead two years ago. and i cant even remember my own boyfriend who probably thinks im still at the hospital. oh shit how long was i gone. i check my watch

an hour. they are probably suspicious now.

i notice that my eyes were wet and i think Joey noticed,

"hey, hey" he says wraping an arm around me. "its alright. what ever it is its going to be fine."

"no its not." i wisper. "everythings ruined and im tired of people telling me its going to be alright when obviously its not." i say getting up and leaving.

i hear footsteps atching up with mine,

"woah hold up! can i at least get your number.. uh--"

"jamie"i tell him.

"jamie, yah you seem pretty chill." he smiles at me.

"i dont just give my number out to random peole, sorry." plus i dont even remember my own number.

he gets a sad look on his face. now i felt bad. i mean he was a nice guy and i needed friends. my situation was hell and i had no one to talk to.

"just give me your number. " i hand him my phone.

his face just lights up at that. he hands me his phone and i type in my number and hand it bacl.

"thanks again and i guess ill talk to you later, bye Joey." i wave and start walking back to the hospital.

"see ya Jamie" i hear him say.


Joeys POV

i make sure shes no where in sight and i diall his number. it rings and he finally picks up.

"hey blake, i found her."

Help Me RememberOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora