Two | owT

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Two | owT

we ended up going to scotty peas. i like that place but I'm just not a huge fan of it. Blake goes and makes our orders while i pick out a seat for both of us to sit. His eyebrows are drawn together and i can tell hes concentrating on something. He comes over to our table with our drinks and sets them down and sits in front of me just staring at me with his penetrating eyes.

"You okay?' i ask him

"yep just fine" he says giving me this fake smile. whats wrong did something happen I'm not aware of? I'm so confused right now. its like Blake read my mind,

"can we just forget it?"

that's exactly what i wanted to do cause' i absolutely have no idea whats going on. unless he feels jealous about me and Adam. not that were a couple and all just the fact that i talk to him alot and stuff.

"Blake party of two, your order is ready" the person up front calls into the mic. he gets up a grabs out food. i check my phone to see no new messages. i just move on and enjoy this lunch with Blake. i hope hes okay and that its nothing serious. he brings our food and we dig in. I'm not shy to eat around people. most of the girls i know are. not me. if theres food in front of me and I'm hungry, I'M HUNGRY. it was so delicious if you must ask.

"do you like it?" he asks sarcasticly while watching me eat. i probebly look like a freak.

"mhmm delicious." i tell him

"great" he smiles and something explodes inside me. hes so hot. We stayed there for hours it seemed but I hadn't noticed. we were so deep into our conversation laughing and possible crying from laughing so hard. I don't know how I didn't talk to him before, we have bunch of classes together and yes I might of had a crush on him.

When we were finished we trow our trash away, and Black grabs my hand his fingers running through mine. He pulls me by the waist suductively and im not even an inch away from him. he leans in and kisses me. it was so romantic but i felt like i had bad breath i mean we just finished eating. eh whatever. i kissed him back long a slow. we pull apart and i cant help but let out a little giggle. he just smiles.

"get in," he says pointing at the car.

"sure." i say still smiling and realize i look like a retard. i quickly loose the smile.

As we were driving he grabs my hand and holds it. i don't try to wiggle free cause' it feels nice when hes holding my hand. like i belong to him now. nobodies ever liked me like this. iv never been the type of girl guys take notice for. me and Adam may be attracted to each other. in fact ALOT. but i don't think we'll ever be a couple. i was so confused and lost in my thoughs, when the side of the car (the side i was sitting on) smashed.


a bunch of glass and metal hit my face and my head was spinning. my body was numb and burning. the sound was loud in my head. i felt deaf i couldn't hear anything. After that i don't really know what happened. I'm just covering my face i have no other protection. i don't know what Blake is doing, but i try to move but i just cant. my body just doesn't have enough will power to listen to my command. That fucking car ran a red light and must of hit our car. the pain!

what the hell happened? whats going on?!

I'm trying to concentrate but it just hurts so bad. i found the energy to open my eyes. but it wasn't pretty. some guy was kneeling over me yelling my name (I'm guessing) over again trying to get my attention. He doesn't look good. bruises and cuts all over his face. blood running down his neck and staining his shirt.

Hes yelling at some people walking by and screaming for help. i glimpse at some of them and they literally breakdown. what tha heck, i think. do i look that bad? time passes but it feel like forever when the ambulance finally arrives. people where helping me and i think i passed out cause' i don't see anything and it was dark.

the pain wont stop and i still cant think straight. F who ever did this to me. when i wake up I'm in a hospital bed and wearing one of their gowns, and i have no memory of anything.


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