Three | eerhT

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Three | eerhT

As i sit up in the hospital bed, an attractive man with blondish hair and crystal blue eyes barges in breathless,

"JAMIE, Oh my god are you okay?!" he yells taking my hand. it was the same guy that was standing over me earlier. there was a band aid over his cuts but he was still bleeding. he had a strong face that you could just stare at all day. His eyes made you melt right where you were.

"so im guessing Jamie is my name right?' i say turning to look at the doctor that was standing by the door. he just nods.

"Doctor you said she would remember by now its been two days." he says with a firm voice. almost like he could kill someone.

"she should've but it may take alot more time since her brain is in a lot of pressure and is shut down. its hard for her to get her memory back in a time like this." A pink iPhone was laying on the table on the far corner of the room.

"is that my phone? May i see it?" The guy that claims to know me gets up and brings it over to me. i unlock it and see thirty six messages and a bunch of calls from a guy named Adam and my dad.

"do you know an Adam... what was your name again?"

"Blake and no i do not." Not even a second passed by when a really attractive, and i mean REALLY, like smoking hot guy opens the door slamming it against the wall. he dashes over to the side of my bed.

"holy sh!t Jamie! your awake thank god. please tell me your okay?! what the hell happened to you?" i stare at him blankly. he should know that i cant answer that, i barely even remember my name.

"she got in a car accident two days ago and has with , we think, temporary memory loss Mr. Prince." the doctor responds for me. I'm frozen , unable to move. car crash? memory loss? no body told me about this!

"memory loss..?" the man in front of me whispers. "Jamie look at me." i do as I'm told. "do you recognize me?" he says starring into my eyes. it burns my soul that i don't know him. i feel like i should. my eyes start to tear up, "I'm really sorry, deep down i feel like i know you, yet i have no idea who you are. or who he is." i say pointing over at Blake.

"yeah who are you?' the man infront of me asks Blake.

"Hello to you too. I'm Blake um i was at the football game our school held two days ago. your friend here came over and we talked and went out for lunch. as we were coming back some asshole ran a red light and smashed into her side of the car. really sorry." his voice cracking now. "and you..?"

'Adam. I'm your best friend." aah so this is Adam. Daaayyym hes gorgeous!

"your Adam? and your my best friend?'

"yes, we met in middle school. three years ago.. English class." he says willingly hoping that i might remember. i shake my head, and i can see something burn inside him. sorry to crush your day buddy. its not my fault i cant remember. i turn to Blake.

"what about me," he says. "we had a connection that day. i mean i see you around the halls alot, but that day was special. i couldn't keep my eyes off of you Jamie. And i know you felt the same way even if you can't remember." At that moment i felt really bad. For both of them. they're trying so hard to get me back. i don't think my brain wants to go back or it would of cooperated by now. i am trying to act calm but inside, its world war 3. wheres my parents? i think i said it out loud.

"your dad is on his way and your mom, she um , how do i say this. she died. a year ago." Adam says taking my small and cold hands into his making them warm once again. the heat vibrates throughout my entire body. my mom is dead... my mom is DEAD. i burst out crying. i just cant hold it anymore.

"Jamie please don't cry." Adam lets go of my hand leaving them cold , and holds me between his two beautiful arms. He pats my back and sings me a lullaby. it was just out of the blue. but it was fine cause' he had an amazing voice.

"i will never let you fall, ill stand up with you forever. ill be here with you through it all- even if saving you sends me to heaven.." it was so sweet. and i was so comfortable here in his arms while he was stroking my hair that reached past my shoulders. i think i passed out because i couldn't hear the rest of the lullaby. it brought tingles to my body, like i knew it. my brain is trying to tell me something but i cant quiet catch it.

i need to try harder. my eyes flatter open and i see Adam is still here asleep with his head on me but Blake and the doctor are gone. i start to slowly sit up and Adam jolts straight up and grabs my hand. i stare into his eyes for a few minutes before asking,

"how do i know the song?'

"we used to sing it when we were younger. it was like our song.' he tells me swallowing nervously.i scratch my head, what time is it? its like he read my mind,

"its five o'clock, you were out for four hours."

"is my dad here?' i ask curious.

"yeah he came in and saw you asleep. he stayed for a bit then left to go talk to the doctor that was looking after you." After minutes of total silence, a tall man with almost the exact same face as me walks in, I'm guessing my dad, and pulls a chair next to my bed and sits. he was about to say something i don't know what because i cut him off.

"WAIT." i yell holding a finger up to his face. he looks at me with those familiar sincere eyes."you have to tell me everything." my voice came out a little shaky, and i felt like slapping myself. He looks at Adam.

"No , Adam is the only one i trust right now. hes not going anywhere. what ever your going to tell me hes ganna be right here with me." i see a smile form on his beautiful face. i think I'm going to need him for whats about to be said.

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