Four | ruoF

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When my mom got stung by a bee , she was unconscious for two days. turned out she was allergic and could of died if we hadn't made it to the hospital in time. that scared the sh!t out of me. i couldn't loose her. no matter how much of a bitch she could be she was my mom. your probably wondering how i lost her then. i wonder that too.

So i was out with my friends chilling at the park. some of them were drunk man it was hilarious. i was having so much fun. one of my idiotic friends ran into a pole. and some were making out and they weren't even couples. i however hung out with a girl named Lauren. i was pretty close to her. but when it was time to leave i asked Lauren to drop me off at my house.

when we got in the car i checked my phone there was about 15 missed calls from my dad. at the time i just rolled my eyes and went on making jokes with my friends and thought it could wait till i get home. i had no idea of what i might be facing. when we arrived at my house i got out of the car, thanking my friend and walked inside the house.

"Dad? Dad whats wrong? why'd you call me?" i walk past the kitchen into our big creamy brown living room, loosing my balance. i had to hold on to the wall to stable myself from falling face flat on the wooden floor. i was literally having a heart attack. My mom was laying on the floor dead, I'm predicting yet i see no blood, and my dad is next to her crying. i have never seen my dad cry until now. i don't even think its weird i think its normal for men to cry. i hate guys that try to act like some tough stuff when there not.

But there was my dad sitting on our creamish white carpet pouring his eyes out for my mom who was laying on the the floor pale, like a stone. i ran over to my dads side. i didn't even notice that i was crying. i heard little whimpers come out of my mouth without permission. i was sobbing and yelling.

"MOM! Mom get up! FUUUCCKKK. get up mom." i start shaking her. no use. i grab her face holding it between my to fragile hands.WHYYY?!

"i cant do this. i need you. what happened to you?!" i say between sobs.

I'm only 15! tears were running down my face and soaking my jeans. i need my mom. i cant do this. i get up dramatically stomping my feet, grab the keys that were on the counter and head out the door. yes I'm 15 i don't have a license but what are the chances of me getting caught? zero.

i can hear my dads voice in the background, desperately calling my name.

"i need some air!" i yell back to him. when i get in the car i wipe my soaking wet face and call the only friend that truly cares about me. the only person on my speed dial. Adam. it rings for a while and i curse under my breath. PICK UP god dammit. after a few rings he answers.

"Jamie." he groans into the speaker. "its one in the morning whats up?" I'm crying into the phone, i cant help it.

"Adam," i breath loudly. "i need you right now. meet me at out spot GET UP!" i scream the last part into the phone before clicking the end button.

i know I'm not the nicest person, but I'm in a really bad mood right now. i didn't even wait for his response cause' i know he'll show up. i start the car and it roars to life. our spot is behind Starbucks. Yah we meet up there like all the time and if hes in the mood, he usually buys me coffee. we picked the spot the summer of seventh grade. i don't know who chose it but we go there so ofter its now called 'our spot'. i park my car and walk behind the coffee shop to where we hang out.

a few minutes later i see Adams car drive up and park next to mine. how cute. my face is all red from crying i probably looked like a tomato. I'm actually still crying right now. it just keeps pouring. his clothes look new and his hair is messy but not that messy. like hot messy. he looks SO sexy right now. okay calm down Jamie. its no wonder all the girls at school drool like dogs when they pass by him. about half way he notices that I'm crying.

"Jamie you okay?" he stands in front of me my face in his hands and my legs wrapped around his waist since i was sitting on a brick wall. he wipes away a tear that was falling down my cheek. i can smell his cologne. that smell oh lord its driving me crazy. I'm so lost in his smell and his soft skin i don't even realize whats going on.

"Jamie tell me what happened. please?" he begs.

"m-m-my mom." i manage to get out between my shaking lips. iv never stuttered before.

"what about your mom?"

"shes- shes.. dead." holding back the tears i look up into his eyes. his clear blue eyes, the color of the sky, melts into a soft caring texture. he pulls me into his chest and i start pouring out the tears again.

"Adam.." i began to say.

"shhhhh." he says cutting me off. i love how we fit perfectly together. the tingiling in my stomach while hes strocking my hair.

i look up at his face slowly pulling myself away from him. i wipe some loose tears from my face and look into his eyes. he looks back at me his lips in a straight line. he looks at my eyes then my lips and i cant help but lick them. they are so chaped i think there even bleeding. i dont know if he was going to kiss me but i dont even care. i pull his into a bear hug.

he starts laughing at the sudden hug. " wheres your dad?"

"At home." simple as that.

"do you maybe want to come home with me? ill keep you comapny." so sweet for offering.

"that would be great. but i dont want to bother you or your family..."

"no. no. shut up. your coming.' he says smiling at me. i choke up a laugh. took alot of energy to do that too. what a dork. he lifts me off the wall and grabs my hand. he offers to buy me coffee and i accept cause i need some caffine. we get our drinks and he pullss me to his car. i get in and buckle myself. i cant believe im ganna be a motherless child. Adam starts the car but instead of leaving he just stares at me.

"what?" i ask

"Do you know how beautiful you look?"

"are you kidding me?" i spit out with a giggle. "im crying like an idiot. my face is probebly red as your car. im just sruprised you havent run away yet yeling for help."

"oh, trust me i've thought of that."

"shut up adam! " i yell smiling out the window. him and his jokes.


what now, i turn around only to be answered with his lips. his amazingly perfect lips. his taste. the mint mixed with the coffee he was drinking. i put my arms around his neck and he put his on my waist. he was known as a good kisser now i know what they ment.but when he pulle away i was ganna ask why but he spoke before me.

"i had to do it. i've been waiting for so long jamie."

"its okay i've been wanting to kiss you too adam." what . im such a liar. "STOP LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT. your eyes drive me fuckin crazy." he chuckles and he opens his eyes wide and just stares. like seriously. i punch im in the arm and that makes us both burst out laughing

"okay lets go home." he puls out of the starbucks parking lot and heads home. the car ride was so awkward. we both wanted to start a conversation but had no idea what to say. he left me breathless.

I stayed over at his place. we did not sleep i tell you. watched finding nemo eat pizza and all that. in the morning he dropped me off back at my hell hold and i explained to my dad. He said he was worried sick blah blah whatever. i couldnt deal with that right now. after that my life went down dramamtically but with adams help i got back up.

i dont know if it will stay like that for long.


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