part 1

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I walk into my new job, a sports store. I need the money to buy a new phone. I recently broke mine due to bike riding. I sign in and go to my area, the active wear department. I start folding the yoga pants. After a while it's lunch time and I go to the staff room. I walk in and there's a guy sitting there eating instant ramen. I smile politely and go to the fridge to see what they have. There's a bunch of Gatorades. I check in the cabinets beside it and see a bunch of instant ramen. I pick one up and see that it's the spicy noodle kind. My favorite. As I wait for them to cook I take a seat at the table. The guy that was sitting there is speed eating his noodles. He swallow. "Sorry. I haven't eaten all day."
"It's okay. You have a little bit of noodles on the side of your mouth.." I tell him.
He quickly wipes it away. "Thank you. Are you new here? I've never seen you around. But then again I'm not that observant..."
I laugh. "This is my first day. Im saving up for a phone."
"Oh. Well I'm Soobin. I work in the shoe department."
"Cool. I'm y/n. I work in the clothing department."
"Well I guess I'll be seeing you around Y/n." He says standing up and throwing his noodle cup away.
"I guess so. Nice meeting you Soobin!" I say.
I eat my lunch and then before I know it my shift is over. My boyfriend, Hyun-wu, Picks me up since I don't have a car. I ride my bike everywhere or take an Uber, subway or taxi. I load my bike into the car and hop in the passenger seat of his car. We've been dating for a year now. "Hello." I say.
"Hey Y/n. How was your first day at work?"
"It was kinda uneventful. But I didn't expect much."
"Well it's only part time so at least you can still hang out with me." He says.
"True." I say sipping from my hydro flask.
"What do you want to do today?" Hyun-wu asks me.
"Let's go hiking."
"Okay. Are you dressed to go hiking or do you want to go by your house?"
"No I'm fine." I say.
We drive to Lenson Forests, our usual hiking spot.
"What course do you want to do today?" I ask Hyun-wu.
"Let's do the Beginner one today. I'm still sore from bike riding the other day."
"Yeah I kinda am too."
We start the trail. When we reach the top there's a lookout that we've both seen a million times. We stop and appreciate it for a moment. "As many times as I've seen this view it still never ceases to disappoint me." Hyun-wu says before taking a sip of water from his hydro flask.
"Yeah. It's beautiful."
After a short water break we go back down the trail.
"That was a good warmup. Do you wanna take a run now?" Hyun-wu asks.
"Yes. Let's go to the park." I say. I feel active now that I've warmed up with the hike.
After about a short 15 minute ride were at the park. We get out and stretch a little bit more and start our 30 minute jog. My legs start to burn as we walk back to the car, catching our breath.
"That was a good workout." I say with my hands clasped behind my head.
"Yeah." Hyun-wu says putting his hands behind his head too.
"Y/n!" I hear a voice call from behind me. Hyun-wu and I turn around, confused.
I see Soobin from work holding a milkshake and takeout bag walking towards us. Hyun-wu eyes me suspiciously.
"He works at the sports store with me." I explain hurriedly.
"Hi Soobin!" I wave politely.
"What are you doing?" Soobin looks at me confused.
"We just got through doing a quick jog." I tell him.
"Oh. I did too. Crossing the road from the takeout place across the street is tiring. Is this your brother?" He points to Hyun-wu with the milkshake in his hand.
"Oh, no. This is my boyfriend Hyun-wu. Hyun-wu, this is Soobin."
Hyun-wu goes to shake Soobin's hand but Soobin has his takeout in his hands. "Sorry."
I notice that the sun is starting to go down.
"Okay Soobin well I guess I'll see you tomorrow at work then?" I ask promptly.
"Yes! It was nice meeting you Hyun-wu! Bye Y/n!" He waves good bye.
We get in the Jeep.
"He seems.. different." Hyun-wu says.
"Yeah. I haven't really figured him out yet. He seems nice though." I say.
"Whatever you say. Be careful around him." He warns me.
"I don't think he could hurt me, but I'll keep my guard up." I laugh.
He drives to my house and I get out. "Are we up for an afternoon run tomorrow after your shift ends?" He asks.
"Yes. See you tomorrow. Bye, love you." I say.
"Love you, bye."
I walk into my house and take a shower after quickly eating a salad. Working at the sports store doesn't seem like it would be too bad.

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