part 10

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"Y/n!" Soobin says as he falls down.
"Oh no! Are you okay?" I ask helping him up.
"Only because I'm with you." He winks and skates off before falling again.
I struggle as I skate towards him. "Soobin are you sure you're enjoying this?" I ask.
"As long as you are." He smiles.
"I am. But we're not really that good at roller skating."
"It's okay." He says. We hold hands as we skate around the rink.
It's our first date and we decided to go roller skating at the mall.
Blue Hour by TXT comes on.
"Soobin! It's your song!" I say pointing up.
He stops and listens for a second and his face lights up. "You're right."
"Dance with me!" He starts dancing to the song but the roller skates stop him from doing it correctly. I try and do the dance too.
"I think we're ruining the dance." I say, laughing at our horrible dancing.
"Yeah." Soobin agrees.

After skating for a while we walk around some.
"It's a good day to be alive." Soobin says, swinging our hands back and forth as we walk around the park.
"You're right." I say smiling. "It is. And I'm glad that I'm alive with you."
"I'm glad that were alive during the same time. What if I was born in like the 18th century. I wouldn't have known you or the members. I wouldn't even be in the band..I would just be working on my farm all day."
"Well I'm glad that you're not a farmer in the 18th century. I would probably bored myself to death if you weren't here."
"Probably. I sure do spice things up don't I?"
"You do. Hey, this is where I brought you to come run with me that one time." I say stopping at the familiar spot.
"It is...I almost forgot about that incident." He looks at me. "Wanna run?"
I raise my eyebrows. "Are you joking or....?"
"Catch me." He says and starts away.
"Soobin-wait!" I say as I follow him.
He runs around a tree, laughing.
His strides are a lot longer than mine, so he can get places faster.
"Soobin!" I say as I continue to chase him around the playground. Luckily there are no kids around to judge us.
"Gotcha!" I say as I catch up to him.
"Oh no!" He says as he hugs me.
"Is that a bad thing?" I ask looking up at him.
"Not at all."

When we get back to the dorm all of the members are on the couch watching a drama. "Hey guys!" I say.
"Hey!" Beomgyu says. "Did you guys bring food?"
"No." Soobin says. "Did you guys not eat yet?"
"Nope. We figured that as the leader you would bring food." Taehyun says.
Soobin rolls his eyes and takes my hand as we sit on the couch. "I'll order takeout."
"I'll order it." Yeonjun says. "You always pay for it so I will this time."
"Thanks hyung." Soobin says.

We watch the drama and eat until everyone starts to get tired and drift off to sleep.
"Are you staying here tonight?" Soobin whispers to me as he turns off the tv.
I think about it. "Maybe."
"Just stay here. Don't leave me." He says. I put my head on his shoulder.
"I won't ever leave you."
"I love you Y/n."
"I love you too Soobin."

Thank you.

𝙘𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙨𝙚𝙚 𝙢𝙚Where stories live. Discover now