part 9

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I wake up to someone knocking on my door. I check the digital clock on my night stand. 1: 12 am. Who would be up at this hour? The knocks start again. It's not loud knocking, it's actually rather quiet but it's loud enough for me to wake up from.
"Y/n!" I hear someone whisper.
My eyes go wide. They know my name? I get up from my bed and walk over to the door. Unfortunately I do not have a peep hole. I get down on the ground and look underneath the door. I see blue bunny slippers with ears on them and blue striped pajama pants. The feet shuffle around a little bit and then leave. When I'm about to leave the feet come back again and the knocking starts again.
This is kinda getting annoying. I quietly get a knife from the kitchen drawer. The knocking starts up again and I quietly unlock the door.
I fling the door open and to my surprise Soobin is standing there in his pajamas with his hand up, ready to knock. His eyes go wide as he looks at the knife in my hands.
"Soobin? What are you doing here?" I whisper shout at him.
I grab his hand and close the door and lock it. I set the knife down on the table.
"What are you doing here?" I ask.
"Y/n please forgive me. I can't sleep knowing that I upset you." Soobin says.
" didn't upset me." I say sitting down on my bed. He sits down beside me.
"Then what happened?" He asks urgently.
"I don't know..I just wasn't expecting that."
"Expecting what?" He askss with hurt in his eyes.
"You to like me. I thought that we were just friends. Nothing more." I say.
"Y/n we are friends. But I want to be more than friends." He says.
"But why? I like our friendship." I say getting worried at where this conversation might end up.
"I can't control how I feel towards you."
"Soobin..." I rub my head.
"What? Please just give me an answer so that I can go to bed. I'm sorry for waking you up at this hour but I really couldn't stop worrying about you."
"I'm fine." I say.
"You keep avoiding my answer!" He says frustratedly. He stands up.
"That's because I don't even know my answer!" I say standing up too.
"Why? It's not that hard Y/n!"
"Yes it is! I don't know how I feel about you Soobin!"
"Ugh!" He grabs his head and paces the room.
"Calm down Soobin! It's not that big of a deal." I say.
He stops and turns towards me.
"It's not that big of a deal? Are you kidding me? Do you even know what you're saying? I care about you so much and you don't even care. I've been here all along.
Who was there when Hyun-wu cheated on you? Who was there when you got sick? Who did you talk to when you were lonely? Who texts you every night to make sure you're okay? It's me Y/n, all along it's been me. Can't you see me? Don't you know that I'm the one that loves you?" He shouts frustratedly.
I feel a tear drop and I quickly wipe it away. "It was you." I whisper. "You were there all along. You're right and I'm sorry." I start crying.
"I'm sorry for yelling at you." Soobin whispers. "I'm so sorry."
I feel him give me a hug. "I love you Y/n, and I just wish that you could see that."
My heart flutters. It's been a while since someone told me that.
"I love you too Soobin."

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